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04-10-2002, 03:11 PM
Does anyone know when some enemy editor I heard about is going to be released? Is there going to be a item creator/editor and enemy creator?:mischief:

04-10-2002, 03:30 PM
No sure about that...but this is the ZQuest help forum. This isn't exactly a question on how to use ZQuest, then is it?

Moving to ZC Discussion.

04-10-2002, 05:57 PM
The editor, which doen't exist yet, was going to be released with version 2.0. I head that there would have to be a major re-write of the code to get it to work.

04-11-2002, 11:00 PM
An enemy editor would be very cool, I hope someday it gets added. I also wonder how much we will be able to do with it.

04-11-2002, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by VEL
An enemy editor would be very cool, I hope someday it gets added. I also wonder how much we will be able to do with it.

I'd just settle for your mock-uped bossed to be added.

Leon S. Kennedy
04-16-2002, 10:17 AM
Is this enemy editor thing for real. . . . . ? will it be on AGN's main page when it comes out. . . . . .:eek:

04-16-2002, 10:34 AM
Long ago PM said he had it half done. This was right before he handed it over to Warlord, who in turn let DN work on the project. So I don't know what happen to the enemy editor stuff PM was working on.

Personally, I'd rather have customizable enemies, and other features that would let you edit the first Zelda more instead of all these new features that are more like Zelda 3 (not too mention that take up more ram and space to implement). Sure the new features are cool, but we still don't have a fully customizable original Zelda!

A biggie and awesome thing to implement that has been mentioned many many times would be custom ending screens and intro screen. But, I'm sure DN has taken these into consideration for the next release. (the last one I played was 1.90. I don't play the betas, I wanna wait for the full version.)

04-16-2002, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by vegeta1215
A biggie and awesome thing to implement that has been mentioned many many times would be custom ending screens and intro screen. version.)

Why is there ANY need for this? You can already MAKE custom introduction and ending screens. The only functionality we DONT have is for a custom ending to return to the Character Select screen, or to trigger a second quest. But since we can't define second quests for our custom quests, this doesnt matter.

I agree an enemy editor would be an incredible boon. But I'm quite pleased that Dark Nation has, so far, focused on adding new features that were IMPOSSIBLE to implement in older version of ZC (such as transparency, more strings, new enemy tiles, block triggers), rather than pander to people who him to add dumbed-down versions of something we can currently accomplish with reasonable workarounds.


04-16-2002, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by C-Dawg
I agree an enemy editor would be an incredible boon. But I'm quite pleased that Dark Nation has, so far, focused on adding new features that were IMPOSSIBLE to implement in older version of ZC (such as transparency, more strings, new enemy tiles, block triggers), rather than pander to people who him to add dumbed-down versions of something we can currently accomplish with reasonable workarounds.

Eh, call me old fashion I guess. I liked the limited features that 1.84 had. Because of them, the quest creators really had to think and come up with different ways to use these limitations to make awesome quests. (ie AlphaDawg's unofficial 3rd quest).

With the new items like the hammer and a few others, you can set up road blocks that prevent you from going on until you get a certain item: this is alot like Zelda3. The one reason I like Zelda 1 so much is cause you're free to explore pretty much everywhere, even if you don't have a certain item.

Well, no matter what, I'm looking forward to new releases of ZC, and possibly a Linux port.

04-16-2002, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by vegeta1215

The one reason I like Zelda 1 so much is cause you're free to explore pretty much everywhere, even if you don't have a certain item.

This is a design issue more than anything else. The original Legend of Zelda had plenty of ways to set up roadblocks using the ladder, or the bracelet, or keys... instead, they chose to make it more open. The original Metriod was the same way- once you had High Jump, bombs, and the Ice Beam, you could go basically anywhere.

Seems to me that a game should strike a balance between herding the player to the next location and allowing him or her some freedom to explore. In Dreams of Yesterday, for instance, after the player gets the Dreamer's Whistle they are pretty free to explore every area of the game, but they DO have to aquire the dungeon items in a particular order.

Anyway, don't blame ZeldaClassic for roadblocks. Blame the designer.


04-17-2002, 07:42 AM
That was very well said, C-doggie!

But I really hope to see an enemy or item editor in futur....:cool: