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04-10-2002, 07:34 AM
Library Cat Attack Turns Into Hate Crime Battle
Espinosa Claims City Never Properly Responded To His Disability

SAN DIEGO -- A hate crime allegation was filed in a $1.5 million lawsuit against the city of Escondido by a man claiming his civil rights were violated when his assistance dog, Kimba, was attacked by a cat in a public library.

Richard Espinosa (pictured, left) filed the original suit Nov. 11, after the city refused to pay his claim over the incident involving the feline "mascot" at the South Kalmia Street library.

The 14-page amended court document, filed Thursday, supplements a list of alleged civil rights and code violations already enumerated against the city in the original complaint.

According to documents filed in support of Espinosa's lawsuit, he suffers from several disabilities, including permanent back disability, chronic pain syndrome, borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder, decreased lung function and panic disorder.

As Espinosa, then a North County Times reporter, entered the library on Nov. 16, 2000, he "was surprised to see a black and white cat (pictured, right) on the counter," his petition states.

"The cat, subsequently identified as L.C., which stands for Library Cat ... jumped to the floor without provocation (and) began clawing Espinosa's assistance dog, at times with all four paws," Espinosa said.

"The terror of the sudden and malicious attack" triggered a panic attack that continues to haunt him, Espinosa said.

As a member of a protected disabled class, the 47-year-old said he expected a proper response from the city, which he never got.

"The government will have to pay, and the taxpayers are going to have to pay this," Espinosa said.

"The money is not the biggest issue in this, (but) it's important the city pay for its wrongs. It's the attitude of government over the rights of the citizen. The individual citizen has more rights than the government," Espinosa said.

Espinosa, who is representing himself, cited the "unique" issues of this case as the reason why attorneys don't handle such complaints.

Espinosa has expressed the hope that his lawsuit will educate the public about the state of the law regarding those with "hidden disabilities."

source (http://www.mycfnow.com/sh/news/stories/nat-news-135792120020405-120410.html)

Natural selection, where the FUCK are you?!

04-10-2002, 07:42 AM
My god... I need to escape from L.A.

... Again...

04-10-2002, 09:29 AM
dude, that is retarded.. on both sides. The library shouldn't have a cat for the case of someone such as a blind person who has a helper dog. And the guy is an idiot for saying the cat was committing a hate crime or whatever.. it's a friggin cat! What the hell do you expect?

04-10-2002, 09:40 AM
not retarded really... Just California for ya. At its finest of course...

04-10-2002, 09:54 AM
i like other peoples opinions on california, they're usually funny:)

04-10-2002, 12:17 PM
If you want retarded, there was a case in Toronto a month ago about a guy who skinned a live cat and called it "aristic expression". The sad part was that he said he was one of those people who don't believe in eating animals because it's wrong.

I have had enough of all this crappy Artistic Expression. It is more like Autistic Expression. Anybody who thinks that skinning cats, or writing about children doing sexual deeds should be shot!

04-10-2002, 12:38 PM
We have a cat at our local Library.
See him here (http://www.spencerlibrary.com/deweybio.htm).
As far as I know there has never been a problem with him and the kids love him.
Animals attacks on the law books can be wierd somtimes.
The guy just might get somthing. And the part about "its not the money", BS, it's always about the money.

04-10-2002, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Jemsee
The guy just might get somthing. And the part about "its not the money", BS, it's always about the money.

Well, either the guy is exceptionally stupid, at which point its probably not a good idea to let him live by himself.

Or he really is being opportunistic and trying to bilk the library of money, or whoever he's exactly suing. This then begs the question: How do people like this guy sleep at night? How do they look at themselves in the mirror? How do they live themselves?

04-10-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Jemsee
We have a cat at our local Library.
See him here (http://www.spencerlibrary.com/deweybio.htm).
As far as I know there has never been a problem with him and the kids love him.
Animals attacks on the law books can be wierd somtimes.
The guy just might get somthing. And the part about "its not the money", BS, it's always about the money.

aww.. he's so cute :D

04-10-2002, 04:53 PM
So basically he's sueing the city for the cat's natural instinct?
Yeah... that's going to go over real well....

Let's see. Dog enters library, cat is startled, cat attacks out of self defense, menatlly unstable man then sues city.

I have got to leave this country.

04-10-2002, 05:28 PM
[Sarcastic and extremely stupid comment]
Hmmm...I took my dog out for a walk the other day, and my neighbors cat attacked her....whaddya think i can get outta that?
[/Sarcastic and extremely stupid comment]

04-10-2002, 09:38 PM
i have two things to say:
1: the idiot hopes to gain from the city's expense. what is he thinking?! why sue the city because a cat was acting on instinct? i mean, come on! first that lady about the coffee at mcdonald's! now this! what next? dog owner sues a flea circus because the fleas decided to take a vacation on his dog? what a greedy little bastard!

2. regarding dewey:HE'S SOOOOOO :kawaii:! HE'S THE MOST :kawaii: KITTY I'VE EVER SEEN! :kawaii:

there. thats my 2 yen for the moment. :kawaii:

04-10-2002, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by mrz84
i have two things to say:
1: the idiot hopes to gain from the city's expense. what is he thinking?! why sue the city because a cat was acting on instinct? i mean, come on! first that lady about the coffee at mcdonald's! now this! what next? dog owner sues a flea circus because the fleas decided to take a vacation on his dog? what a greedy little bastard!

dude, who the hell has flea circuses anymore? :D

04-11-2002, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
not retarded really... Just California for ya. At its finest of course...

Amen to that!