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View Full Version : USA all the way?!?!?!

Drunken Tiger
04-10-2002, 05:36 AM
Is it just me or is the US always criticized for whatever they do?!?!

Its basically like whatever they do its not right.. for example..

IS it true that everytime the US intervened(sp.)with another countries' problems they were told to back off and we were asked " Who made you the police of the world??"

But now countries are saying that only US intervention(sp.) is able to stop the violence going on between Israel and Palestine?!?! I get pissed off everytime i hear this crap on the radio!!:angry:angry:

Whats wrong with the world today???

Note to staff : My facts may be wrong.if so please delete this thread..

Syntax Error
04-10-2002, 06:51 AM
The fact is the US may get involved in things that they have no right to sometimes, but when other countries need help, we're the only one with the strength to aid them.

Take a look at Kuwait: It was an attack upon a sovereign nation - unprovoked - by Saddam Hussein. We came in to defend Kuwait, and automatically all these other countries started bitching. After we defended Kuwait's independence though, we left - no "prolonged military presence" in Kuwait, we were out of there.

It's like that with just about every other country; we don't force our own presence upon them. Likewise, we don't force our own form of GOVERNMENT upon them. We go there, we do what we have to do, then we leave.

I think the real issue is people always complain about US intervention, saying we have no business and it doesn't affect us, when in reality 99.9% of the shit we get involved in does affect us directly or indirectly in some way or another.

What if we hadn't gone to defend Kuwait? Saddam would have taken over the country against their will, taken control over all the oil there, and you know what then? He would have moved right on into Saudi Arabia. The issue with Kuwait wasn't something that just affected the US - it was something that would have affected just about every industrialized country on the planet.

People just want to have someone to blame, so they blame the US. They think the US is no different from Britain during it's imperialist rule, when in actuality we're just about the exact opposite. If the US wasn't around to intervene in things like this, then the world would be one hell of a different place.

I think before anyone criticizes US intervention, they should ask a South Korean if they would have rather not had the US intervene during the Korean war; they should ask a Philipino if they would rather still be under the thumb of the Spanish empire; and they should ask a Kuwaiti if they would rather be living no longer in an independent country, but one under the maniacal rule of Saddam Hussein.

04-10-2002, 10:01 AM
well u guys hlped during world war 2 and then rubbed our faces in it, but when you got into vietnam you got ur asses kicked a little, so you have good and bad reputation, i guess some countries are just to happy slaugtering their citizens to want help:confused:

04-10-2002, 10:12 AM
Where are you from Chaos? I'm going to take a guess at France??

I dunno...

I find it pretty annoying when people bitch about the U.S...but then again, those are the people that don't like us and don't want us interveining in one of their wars where they would make bad effects on the world.

One thing I disagree with is Americans going into warring countries to help...when they've been killing each other for thousands of years already...

Syntax Error
04-10-2002, 10:26 AM
The fuck? Do you even know what Vietnam was about?

War isn't like, "Oh, you lost and got your asses kicked, haha!"

The US didn't lose Vietnam; no, the people who lost in that war were the thousands of Vietnamese citizens who didn't want to lose their independence and democracy, and who now are forced to live in a strictly Communist country today.

Oh, and if you're French, how can you diss US involvement in Vietnam? The French were the ones we CAME IN TO HELP for Christ's sake.

Master Ghaleon
04-10-2002, 10:49 AM
Everytime any other country needs the US to help them we do, and if we need help hardly anyone helps us out.

04-10-2002, 02:45 PM
Actually, I think Chaos is British, alonside several of his other buddies from his own town who also post on these boards.

He's not some french person complaining about how everybody thinks the french are cowards for surrendering in World War II, but just one of many British who think their valiant efforts and support in World War II are being overshadowed and ignored because of the overwhelming role America played in World War II. Actually, I'm not at all critical of the French for surrendering in World War II. They had gambled everything on the hopes their Maginot Line could resist a German invasion long enough for French forces to organize for a counter assault, but when Germany bypassed the Line by plowing through Belgium, it was pretty much useless then to resist, since to do so would have needlessly cost the lives of French troops.

A movie released in 2000( I forget what its called, but it was about a battle between an American submarine and German one), was a world war II film that was supposed to recreate a struggle that occurred in World War II that resulted in the Allies gaining control of a component of Germany's Enigma encryption device and thus turning the tide of war in the Allies favor because of the cracking of Enigma's codes; the problem with this movie is that it features an American crew on an American sub being the heros, but historically, it was the British who took part in this, not Americans.

Syntax is for the most part right in about everything she's talked about, whether foreign countries like it or not, everyone has an interest in what goes on in other countries because the world is much more interconnected than before, and it is the US that has the resources, affluence, and backing to perform the kind of foreign intervention necessary to resolve conflicts. The best part about America is that it typically leaves when its job is done, unless it is still needed to maintain order, as is with Afghanistan right now. America has had the opportunity to create its own 19th century style empire, and yet it hasn't and even foreign analysts have acknowledged this.

The only exception to this is in cases where America installed anti-communist dictators to keep certain troubled countries out of the hands of Communists. It probably wasn't the most noble of things for America to have done, but the only likely recourse would have been that country toppling anyway and falling under another regime that has no partilality to the United States, or worse, a communist regime that would have gladly accepted money, weapons, diplomatic support from the Soviet Union.

04-10-2002, 03:49 PM
The movie was U-571, and it was a good movie at that as well ;)

I think some of you might be interested in reading one of the most famous radio broadcasts of all time. Written by a Canadian, in support of America.
It may not be totally related to this topic, but it may still interest you.

Gordon Sinclair: The Americans (http://www.rcc.ryerson.ca/schools/rta/ccf/news/unique/am_text.html)