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The Silent Assassin
04-09-2002, 03:09 AM
Originally posted by bigjoe
(to TSA)You stay out of this you little green ... :angry: :redface: :ooh:

On the subject, I would like to see what other people of high importance think.


This whole staff arguing thing is, well, quite unbecoming of this forum. I mean, we had General Bitching in the beginning, and it was fun. Then people began to fight...seriously. Enemies were made, and AGN became a very devided place

About last summer, I noticed AGN developed little "cliques", groupds for one "party" would side with each other, while others would side with another. Since then, we've have soap operas of betrayals, overthrows, and abusing power. It's enough to make the Enquirer headlines.

Yeah yeah, I get this is War Lord's forum. But I am a member here. I signed up because I wanted a place to have a fun time talking about Zelda and games with a bunch of peeps who liked it, too. This is because offline, very few people are open to talk about this without fear of embarrasment. So this is an escape for many of us, an outlet for our gaming frustration and isolation.

I never signed up at AGN because I thought it was a power parade. I never signed up to show off (as much as you think I did, no). You wanna know the real me? I'm not that smart with Zelda. I mean, I love it. I get addicted to one thing, am involved and know the ins and outs, and a few months later, I'm out of it. A few months ago, around when MGS2 came out, I was all MGS. Ask me now about MGS universe, I'd be moderatley knowledgeable. I'm no expert. I'm no "genius". I'm just good at performing an act. I occassionally go to www.zelda.com and other sites to fucking look up Zelda info. I don't know it all.

What relevance does this have? AGN is a place where I can just be somebody I'm not. Offline, I'm only "hyper" around close friends like I am here. Even then, I feel stupid acting like that. I'm pretty shy offline. I have a hard time talking with females unless I'm totally comfortable in the situation. I feel "unworthy" in the pressence of other guys who intimidate me. I have a very low confidence level, and I am pretty damn lazy.

AGN is my escape. A real life "game" for me. Sure...some of you I meet here I call a friend, but some of you take this too damn seriously. I honestly don't need AGN. You think I'm addicted? Bah, it's just another hobby. I can always talk to those I consider friends on AIM or in a chat room. I don't need this.

Many of you don't get this. You don't need AGN. You get too worked up about it. Being here proves nothing. Being a rank or staff or whatever means nothing. Even my "articles" on the main page are worthless. They don't change the face of gaming, they don't reach out to everyone in a meaningful way. But why do I do it? For fun. If it was taken away from me, so be it! It's not like I lost anything of importance.

You all can argue with this all you want, but then...who's the AGN Addict? Defending something like...your rank? Bah...no offense, but if I was mad at War Lord...like really, really mad...I'd have no beef telling him off. Why? I'd get banned, right? He has not real authority over me. It's an illusion. He can ban me from AGN, but I could also go create a club and ban him! Who's the better man? Niether. It's not important.

I mean, if it was your job and you told your boss off...then it matters...unless you have another job waiting. This isn't the same. Last time I checked, you voluntarily signed up of your own free will. You probably signed up to have a good time and talk with others of your own kind.

I know I did. I'm sure many of youd did. This whole staff thing is parading around way too much. Personally, I'd do away with the damn staff "rank" and power, allowing them only to close and move topics. I'd only allow like, 2 or 3 people beyond the "owner" to even have access to deleting, modifying, or banning people/posts. However, it's not important.

Whatever system is used is not the problem. It's the users who are the problem, and the way the creators implement it. I'm not saying War Lord is at fault here at all. Just some of the other staff choose to execute their powers with poor judgment.

Granted, many non-sfaff members overreact to executive decisions. I have been guilty of this. But at least I learned I was being a fool.

I don't know how many of you even read to this part, or if anyone cares about this. I'd hope you cared about what I said, but it is not my problem. The problem is you care too much about something that you shouldn't be caring about so intensley, and maybe caring about thinking about what others care about the most and addressing that with care.

A mouthful, huh? Personally, to anyone I have fought with...not being a gay fag here, and I still have balls, but as a member of the same hobby, sorry for being a dick. Yeah Breaker, you too man. I know you think I'm a piece of shit, but hey...I probably was to you. Just know I don't hold anything against anybody, and I'm a guy...I get passed arguments really quickly.

So, do whatever you wish. But I have every right to say what I said, because this is my forum too. I do care for it somewhat or I wouldn't be here. And it is ok to care for AGN a lot. Just make sure you care about it for the right reasons, and not for some petty excuse.

04-09-2002, 03:18 AM
I agree wholeheartedly TSA. Although I still didn't find your TONBERRY! thing that humorous at TFC lol.

Well ok I did, til i saw it was EVERYWHERE :laughing:

The Silent Assassin
04-09-2002, 03:20 AM
Give me an inch and I'll take a mile ;)

04-09-2002, 03:24 AM
Yes I noticed that when I saw your name and TONBERRY! all over every forum. ;)

04-09-2002, 03:25 AM
You know I took the time to read through what you said and everything you said is right. Some of us dont need AGN because we have lives, others do because we dont have lifes. Others are here to spy on people they know in real life , and everyone has there own little reasons. However, since when did this all become a power hunt?

I , like, the Silent Assassin , post here because I enjoy it , not because im off on some quest to maul the administration of Armageddon Games (although at times it may seem that way...) Posting here is a passion , a hobby , something that I choose to do , not have to do...

I admit that I was very wrong to take part in the arguements situated in Nightmares resignation threads. The staff arguments are very unbecoming and they totally ruin this forum. I have some blame in this because, despite not being a staff member, I have taken part in these arguments. I dutifully apologize for that as well.

You know it wouldnt be the same if a single one of you wasnt here...

Breaker- your flames are sometimes humorous(even though you get away with it :sweat:

The Silent Assassin- Although you post frequently and frantically , youre posts have much meaning and I enjoy reading them.

Darth Cronic- Your porn keeps me occupied :pimp: and you endlessly provide to the ZC community...

Phantom Menace- I know youre there, even though youre hiding :sly:

moocow- Ill always be your bitch even though we dont talk as much anymore :)

Vane- Im your big bro till the end!

foxygrl- you really cheer me up some times you know that?

VEL- Your panda pics warmed my heart , I am forever in your debt

Mandrag Gannon- Even though we never speak youre a very influental person to my life

Fmehmobile- I didnt get to know you that well but youre a pretty nice guy and I like you

Retro Crono- I miss you, why dont you post anymore!!

Hermit- You , like foxy , have pulled me from the pits , I thank thee

Everyone ... lets have the AG I know we can have ... lets stop the flaming and love eachother. Talk about video games, Read TSAs articles! Lets be constructive instead of flaming!

The Silent Assassin
04-09-2002, 03:25 AM
If they didn't have flood control here, I would have done it one night here.

04-09-2002, 07:01 AM
I think...wait. I know I've tried to do some executive decisions around here (remember 1-877-MOVE-VAN & the other one I used)?

While the staff didn't need help then, it seems like all of us here today, staff and [ab]normal guys/gals, need help. Whether we are super-popular, post once in a blue moon, or have to always fight with others doesn't mean anything.

We have to do something......

Unfortunately, I don't know what; I feel sick and I can't think as well when I'm sick. I'm lucky I took that previous stuff earlier in the post one word at a time.