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View Full Version : BS Zelda Mobil color fix??

04-07-2002, 10:16 PM

i need help with trying to fix the moblins, theyre either red (thats ok) or theyre that black color, so black they arent even recognizable.

..is there any way to fix that??:king:

04-07-2002, 10:27 PM
Goto Quest->Palettes->Main.
Highlight CSet 7 and press C.
Highlight CSet 9 and press V.

Now all black enemies on the overworld will look blue instead. To make it the same case for dungeons, do the same first two steps, then the following:

Goto Quest->Palettes->Levels and select number 1 (the first dungeon).
Highlight CSet 9 (marked as 9 on the left side) and press V.
Repeat for all levels up through level 9.

04-08-2002, 12:45 AM
...but note that if you're using the BS Zelda with the newer items (especially the hammer), this will cause them to have incorrect colorings. In this case just go and recolor them or perhaps move them over to a new cset (which is probably a good idea anyway).