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View Full Version : Transparency Bugs

04-07-2002, 03:46 PM
Here are a couple:

For some reason it wouldn't let me overlap transparency layers. If I try, one of them just comes out non-transparent

Also, for some wierd reason it was not doing the right layers in some cases. I set the rain in the graveyard to be transparent, but it made the trees (where you could walk underneath them) transparent instead. Same for the signpost in the Lost Woods area (set the shadow under it to be transparent). It made the top part transparent instead.. It shows up correct in ZQuest, just not Zelda.exe..

I think it might be related to layer 5.. actually, I think both bugs are now that I think of it, as I can see the transparent sign underneath the transparent treetops thing I made, and the screens where it does that, the non-transparent layer WAS layer 5... so I think it's just b/c I had one of them on layer 5, that particular layer makes layer 4 (most likely) transparent instead of layer 5..