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View Full Version : Boss Music Attempt

04-04-2002, 12:32 PM
I'm not really the type to make techno type boss music such as Final Fantasy and such. I'm more of an adventure/epic person, but I decided to try it out anyway so I made a little demo midi to see what yall might think about it. So give a listen, feedback is much appreciated. If yall deem it worthy, I'll finish it up. If not, I'll stick to other things. :)

Grab it Here! (http://www.geocities.com/ZeldaClassicArchive/Midis/Boss.mid)

And thanks beforehand ;)

By the way it's written for ADLIB, so if you listen to it in any other form, I doubt it will sound right.

04-04-2002, 12:55 PM
Sounds cool, Hermit, not my favorite kind of music but it fits the boss room rather well.

04-04-2002, 01:22 PM
It's not my kind of tune either, I suck at techno type stuff. But I was listening to my Final Fantasy 9 soundtrack and I thought "what the hell I'll give it a try..." So I did ;)