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View Full Version : Not another layer question!

04-02-2002, 04:45 PM
I feel quite dumb posting this thread...but here we go anyway:
I am not sure if I have understood yet how to use layers, and I think there are many others who have the same problem. There is always a layer question somewhere, but I am too lazy to read them all, so isn´t there any guides that after reading it even a monkey can understand how the layers work???:confuse2:
And is there any guides(tutorials) for the other new features?

So tell me if I am wrong: Let´s assume that I want to make a tree which covers Link when he is behind the tree. So first I just draw a screen without the tree, and then I´ll have to go to another screen and draw only the tree there. Then I´ll go back to the first screen and go: Data -> Layers and put the coordinates of the screen with the tree next to the layer 3 and that´s it???

Oh, and does anybody have any idea when the newest beta (used in the competition) will be public(with the ZQuest)?

04-02-2002, 05:02 PM
You got it. Also note that once the layers are set up for some screen, you can press PageUp until you see the layers section, and edit the various layers from there (rather than having to go to the screen of the layer to edit it).

Dark Nation
04-02-2002, 05:35 PM
Also, remember, when you start on a new screen, all of the combos are set to combo 0. Normally, combo 0 is a solid combo, which means you won't see anything on your main screen if you use that screen as an overhead layer. You have to set the combos on the layer screen to a clear combo (a combo that has a tile where all the pixels are color 0).

04-02-2002, 06:14 PM
Hey don't worry that was not dumb I had the same problem trying how to understand layering that is what I use in my games now

04-03-2002, 03:32 AM
All right. Thanks!:)

04-05-2002, 08:28 AM
Silly thing on layers is, that if we use too much, the game slows down... I don't know if others have that prob, too, but it is nasty!

But we have to live with that...:rolleyes: