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03-31-2002, 12:41 AM
As you know, April 1rst is comming up on Monday. I was thinking, why not do some sort of prank with ZC? We could purpatrate a rumor that the enemy editor is finished, or we can say that Dark Nation is really Phantom Menace(by him taking control of his account, naw, bad taste). Somebody could turn rouge again. Or maybe announce that version 2.0 is out and have the link go to a page that says you've been fooled.

These are just some of the dumber suggestions, what do you guys think?

Dark Dude
03-31-2002, 12:46 AM
You mean like last year? Or the year before I believe the ag homepage said nintendo shut us down.

Edit: I got it! We put a text file called "readme.txt" that reads, "APRIL FOOLS", and we put this text file inside a zip, that's inside another zip, that's inside another zip, and so on. We'll have as many zips in zips that someone actually takes the time to do. :laughing:

03-31-2002, 01:40 AM
I pondered doing something, myself. :laughing:

Here's a thought: DN can post a beta in here (the latest, for today, if possible; otherwise, 147 will do), and someone can create a post saying that we are freely giving away the new beta, and post a link to an appropriate filename at an appropriate location. The thing is, the file posted is actually related to build 104, or ZC 1.90, or - if you are really cruel - even ZC 1.84. :D

And yes, the download would contain nothing but zelda.exe and zquest.exe.

Whaddaya think? I can be the person described above, if you wish. DN: you can host the file at a unique anonymous location, and delete it at the end of the day. :)

[email protected]

Dark Dude
03-31-2002, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Cyclone
The thing is, the file posted is actually related to build 104, or ZC 1.90, or - if you are really cruel - even ZC 1.84. :DOr if you're really REALLY cruel, the oldest version we can find. For example, the version where the enemies aren't completed yet. :sly:

03-31-2002, 02:44 AM
Post a link to a new version of the Demo Quest. Post that link to a page at the QDB that actually doesnt exist and have the page say "You have just been fooled." But we have to make it all look real. Make up a phony review and a download link in the QDB and put it as the QOTW...How 'bout it Cyclone

03-31-2002, 09:25 AM
Can't select it as a QOTW, I'm afraid.

Well, yet.

[email protected]

Dark Nation
03-31-2002, 11:20 AM
Thing is, everyone's expecting it. Now, if we do the joke on April 2 instead (doing it a day late would be part of the joke, as in, "April Fools! The joke is on a different day!"), it might be good. However, posting a fake beta is just cruel. I'm not going to do it. However, if any of you wish to do something like that, I'm not going to stop you.

Or, we could do what I had planned on doing last year. Say I'm releasing another public beta on April 1 (I think it's about time for another small one, with disclaimers and everything, mainly to see if anyone else has any small problems with it). Everyone is going to assume it's a joke, but will click the link anyway. Sure enough, the page it takes you to says it was a joke. However, if you scroll to the very bottom of the page, the real link is there. All I have to do is fix a few of the bugs that were found in beta 147.

Thoughts? I could post the new beta tomorrow morning around 9 am Eastern.

However, since it may not happen at all, I won't say that I'm posting the beta until I actually do it.

03-31-2002, 11:21 AM
What would be awesome.. is if a dialog box could be added to the oldest version of ZC DN could find, that says upon opening ZQuest or Zelda "You have just been fooled by the Beta Testing Team - Happy April Fools Day. Btw, this is version 1.84" or whatever version you can find.. even older one would be better :evil:

Try to make people think it's 2.0, or even the newest beta, that'd be funny.

EDIT: Damn! DN! you posted just before me :D Your idea is good too, as long as no one lets on that the real beta is there.. it'd be fun to see who actually does download it and who does not.

03-31-2002, 01:22 PM
Sounds like a good idea... I'm gonna laugh at this one for a while :lmao:

Dark Nation
03-31-2002, 03:50 PM
Sorry, guys. I'm not gonna have time to do another beta by tomorrow morning. So, the joke is off. :shrug:

03-31-2002, 03:56 PM
The News Staff has been planning a few things. But you will all have to wait and see.

Dark Dude
03-31-2002, 07:23 PM
Or we could have beta testers give them to people, but they'll be say that they're breaking the rules by doing it, so they shouldn't tell anyone, and if possible, a zc147.exe zip file, and it installs a file called virus.exe (not a real virus) and it would just be funny. Or someting similar to this... hell, I could do this with or without you guys. I think I will.

04-01-2002, 02:23 AM
If only you knew what I had planned...:evil: :tongue: :lol:

04-01-2002, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Dark Nation
Sorry, guys. I'm not gonna have time to do another beta by tomorrow morning. So, the joke is off. :shrug:

THAT was your April Fools joke!

Oh, I leaked the beta to everybody at Acclms board. They said that whoever made that crap doesn't know how to make a REal Zelda game like Zelda 1. They said that the graphics wern't 3d, like Zelda 1, and you can't find the horse, and that Zelda Classic was the poorest game out there.

Dark Nation
04-01-2002, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Jigglysaint
THAT was your April Fools joke!

Not intentionally, no. when I posted that, I hadn't started on beta 148 yet. So, I thought it was the truth.

04-01-2002, 04:39 PM
Hehe, glad to see the trains run on time here.

Oh, Iceman2x did actually say that beta testers for ZC suck. He's on Acclm's board, and he is under another allis(they can change names there). See the topic Zeldafreak started in the Zelda 3 hacking section.

04-01-2002, 05:42 PM
I say it's a little late for that. Maybe we could do it on the second...

Dark Dude
04-01-2002, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by Dark Dude
Or we could have beta testers give them to people, but they'll be say that they're breaking the rules by doing it, so they shouldn't tell anyone, and if possible, a zc147.exe zip file, and it installs a file called virus.exe (not a real virus) and it would just be funny. Or someting similar to this... hell, I could do this with or without you guys. I think I will. Dark Dude 168 wants to send file C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\zc147.exe.
missingno98 received C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\zc147.exe.
missingno98: thats small
Dark Dude 168: I know
missingno98: is this what i think
Dark Dude 168: zelda classic
missingno98: do i put it in a folder with zc
Dark Dude 168: ...
missingno98: its a virus
Dark Dude 168: what day is today?
missingno98: aprils fools
missingno98: is that really a virus/
Dark Dude 168: no, it's a bitmap I made it paint
Dark Dude 168: I just saved it as "virus.exe"
missingno98: o
Dark Dude 168: APRIL FOOLS!
missingno98: you worried me
Dark Dude 168: I know
missingno98: what time is it
Dark Dude 168: 3:44 PM here
missingno98: your a fool then because after 12pm the fooler is the fool
Dark Dude 168: but you fell for it
missingno98: i know
Dark Dude 168: so how does that make me the fool?
missingno98: >:o

04-02-2002, 02:44 AM
I like DN's idea of a day late thing..hmm...

It IS a day late (by my clock), and we have done nothing...Is the news team better than us? :)