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View Full Version : DDX Vs. Scientific naming

03-29-2002, 12:50 PM
Is it just me, or are the scientific names for common objects as astoundingly obnoxious as using the phrase "astoundingly obnoxious?"

Now, what I'm talking about here is the tendency for scientific names to have approximately the same number of syllables as "antidisestablishmentarianism." For example, take formaldhyde. What kind of name is that? Why couldn't they just call it "pickling juice" and let it drop? But of course, the scientists couldn't do that, on the grounds that normal human beings would understand what it is.

I wholehardedly believe that scientists do that kind of thing just to piss the rest of us off. I imagine that whenever the scientists need to invent a new word, the conversation goes sort of like this:

Scientist 1: Hmm, let's do some tests on the fruit sugar.

Scientist 2: Fruit sugar?

Scientist 1: Well, that's what it is.

Scientist 3: Yeah, but what do you think the normal people would do if they new we were experimenting on FRUIT SUGAR? We'd lose all credibility whatsoever.

Scientist 1: Hmm, I guess you're right.

Scientist 3: But what should we call it, instead of "fruit sugar?"

Scientist 2: How about "fructose?"

Scientist 3: That's great! How did you think of that?

Scientist 2: That's the sound a sticker makes when you peel it off a hot leather chair.

Scientist 1: Okay then, let's go do some "fructose" tests.

*Gales of laughter*

Of course, the scientists CLAIM that they have a standard for naming things. They SAY it's based on latin. What they DON'T say is that nobody speaks latin anymore. What most of us think of when we hear the word "latin" is stabbing Ricky Martin to death with a pitchfork. For all you know, they could be getting their names from a dysfunctional Magic 8 Ball.

I suppose that we shouldn't be criticising them, though. I mean, just think of all the things scientists have done for us! They've created a rabbit with glow-in-the-dark fur!


Okay, so that wasn't a good example. I'm sure I can think of something eventually, and I'll get back to you when I do. Anyway, I'm done ranting now, I'm going to go to my invigorization containment center. Whoops, I mean, my bed.

03-29-2002, 12:54 PM
actually, you know, ENGLISH (the language you speak and type in) is based largely around Latin, as well as millions of other languages....
Ever heard of UREA FORMALDHYDE? It's a plastic......

I have a sugesstion for the next 'DDX vs' post you do :
DDX vs Human kind....

03-29-2002, 01:07 PM
gluteus maximus=arse

there are, actually, several sugars in fruits, such as fructose, sucrose, and starch (polymer of glucose).

They've created flying felines, just bung them in a plane.
(felis domesticus airbornus= flying cat)

03-29-2002, 01:31 PM
Hate to go off topic but, SATANMAN, Is tha my twenty in UR sig there?:eyebrow:

03-29-2002, 01:37 PM
I did take this from your sig, I was hoping you wouldn't mind :mischief:
(proceeds to repair mage points from the urls in obi's sig)

03-29-2002, 01:56 PM
Nah, I don't mind, it tells me that there are people who look at my sig, however, I would be annoyed I someone used my logo without me knowing, IT IS MINE AND MINE ALONE.:D