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03-27-2002, 05:39 PM
Originally said by plith
When you Quit->Continue (not sure if it does this if you start a game after Quit->Save), if the number of hearts you restart with is greater than the number of heart containers you have, you still get those hearts. I had three heart containers, restarted, and took 6 hits from keese (1/2 heart damage each) before the heart meter began to go down. The number of restart hearts was set at 6 (so I had to lose 3 hearts before it affected the life meter). I'm not sure if you keep the extra hearts after you move off the screen.

03-27-2002, 05:42 PM
Also I can't get the damned wistle/flute to leave my possesion. I hit the none button, and it resets itself and shows up anyways.

03-27-2002, 06:59 PM
Se He Ke: k. it seems to be an odd bug, specific possibly just to this quest because of one or two other things
Se He Ke: Another bug: Not sure when this happens, but sometimes, when Link enters a dungeon and gets an intro string, he can't move up properly in BS animation. One of the frames becomes him facing down.

Se He Ke: Another bug: When Link goes through an entrance/exit warp to a screen using layers and passes by the layer when going up or down (like he normally does with entrance/exit warps), he goes underneath that layer, no matter what it is (even layer 1 or 2)

Se He Ke: When I move a combo page by copying it and deleting the old one, then even after I reset the combo page of the screens that used it, they all revert to the first combo on the page, though the CSet and all other attributes of the screen remain the same.

Se He Ke: Because I just did that to my house/cave combo page and lost a number of screens. Fortunately, IT'S NOT AS BAD AS THE TIME WHEN I LOST HALF OF MY DUNGEON PROGRESS! Or the even worse time, WHEN IT HAPPENED AGAIN, TO THE WHOLE DUNGEON!

Ya know, Glenn, you should just put plith on the team in place of MMC. ^_^

03-27-2002, 07:10 PM
Why dont you just post these bugs in a new topic, Dark Nation might not read this one again