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Drunken Tiger
03-27-2002, 05:33 AM
How much time do you spend on AGN??

I spend soo much time on AGN its not funny...

I go on straight after school till like 12:00PM thats like 8 hours!! and on the weekend its even longer!!

I was just wondering if i waas the only on who is being brain washed by AGN?!?!

How long do you spend at AGN???

03-27-2002, 05:54 AM
Usually only a few hours for me. If I'm working on the computer I'll be in and out all day, depending on what notifacations pop up in my e-mail box. I haven't even been here for the last two days. Guess this is becoming less of the addiction that it once was, and more a part of my regular life.

03-27-2002, 06:14 AM
I usually have the page up most of the day but I spend about an hour or two in total actually browsing the boards.

03-27-2002, 06:55 AM
about 1-2 hours, except some days where i can spend up to 4-5 hours.

03-27-2002, 06:56 AM
I'm in and out about 12 hours a day lately :(

03-27-2002, 08:34 AM
5 hours at festive, 2 or 3 the other days ^_^. Before I could came at any moment, but the computer is limited now :(

03-27-2002, 08:43 AM
I'm in and out most of the day. I don't post much though, I'm more of a reader. And when I'm not at AGN I'm usually doing something related to AGN (mostly for my page):laughing:

03-27-2002, 01:34 PM
Don't know exactily. If I did I'd probably scare myself.
Some days more than others. Maybe 2-4 hrs average.
It's hard to keep track of all the stuff that goes on in here.
(looks at the list of unread posts, sighs)

03-27-2002, 02:09 PM
I'm here every second I can be, which usually works out to about 6-8 hours a day. It'd be a lot more if it weren't for other people tying up the phone line, though.
(Might be getting cable soon... I'll probably never leave, then.)

03-27-2002, 02:10 PM
How much time? Too much time. Sigh...

03-27-2002, 02:48 PM
How Iit works with me is: If I'm at home, I surf this board, do the posting, go to some other sites, come back here, play some games, come back, and do everything again. At school, I might spend an hour at AGN. I try to get on every single day(except when the net goes down or I'm with a friend).

Ibis, God of Magicks
03-27-2002, 02:53 PM
Well, I used to spend the better part of 12 hours, but latley, I've been so busy, an hour is all I can afford. :(

The Thing
03-27-2002, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by DrUnKeN TiGeR
How much time do you spend on AGN??

I spend soo much time on AGN its not funny...

I go on straight after school till like 12:00PM thats like 8 hours!! and on the weekend its even longer!!

I was just wondering if i waas the only on who is being brain washed by AGN?!?!

How long do you spend at AGN???

I spend about 1 hour most of the time.

Ok I realized something. 8 hours is 1/3 of one day. So I'm

assuming you go to school about about 6 hours. Then you get

home do about 2 hours of homework then spend the rest of the

day on AGN. Don't you ever get any sleep?

What do you get for energy caffine man?

Drunken Tiger
03-28-2002, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by The Thing

I spend about 1 hour most of the time.

Ok I realized something. 8 hours is 1/3 of one day. So I'm

assuming you go to school about about 6 hours. Then you get

home do about 2 hours of homework then spend the rest of the

day on AGN. Don't you ever get any sleep?

What do you get for energy caffine man?

Homework?? whats homework!! i dont get much homework only like 30 mins a day!!:blah: thats because i work pretty fast and manage to do it all at school!!

I get like 5hours a sleep a day!! thats more than enough!! the rest of the time i usually just bum around or something!!;)

03-28-2002, 09:54 AM
about 2-4 hours

03-28-2002, 11:13 AM
Okay, I wake up around 7.

I usually..

Go on AGN from 7:10-7:20 AM or so (mainly to check for a new beta in the beta testing forum, and to look around GD)

7:30 AM - 2:50 PM I am at school..

between 3:30-4:00 PM I will go online until about 4:30 PM-5:30 PM..

And then I watch TV at 5:30, then I finish up any HW, then I go work on something, (like a quest) or read, or something, (I might go on again for a little while) then at 9:00 PM, I go on til about 10:15-11:00 PM.

So all in all, its not THAT much, I go on more during the weekends.

03-28-2002, 03:18 PM
Gee, I'm less than all of you yet I'm think of restricting my AGN time to an hour a school day and like 4 hours on weekends. I've got other, just as useless things to do.

I think I might return to actually playing games. I haven't played video games more than an hour or so in the past few months. I spend a lot of time either on AGN or watching TV. I think it's about time I emersed myself in a game.

Heck, I even have a programming/webdesign hobby that I haven't done in so long. I'm thinking about spending a good chunk of my Easter Vacation on studying C++.

And of course there is a social life I'm planning on booting up. I've had it laying around, but haven't installed for lack of support. Hell, I even feel like getting a job. I think I will start limiting my AGN consumption now. Life to short to spend on one thing.

03-28-2002, 10:58 PM
i just go on for about an hour. if i cant really go on in a day, i just try to keep my posts-per-day average the same (its just over 3)

03-28-2002, 11:31 PM
Depends on how I've been feeling. I tend to not post and spend less time on the forums when I'm sad or depressed, as has been happening lately. When I'm not depressed, and maybe a little happy or maybe even tanked on Caffeine, I'll usually spend up to half my day on the forums, possibly accruing up to 100 posts.