View Full Version : My good day yesterday...

03-26-2002, 10:28 PM
I went to the Senior Invitational Program at Mississippi State yesterday, and took some exams to see if I tested out of some stuff. I tested out of College Algebra, Trig, and C++! I haven't even gone to a class yet, and I have 10 hours of credit! It's so cool! Just thought I'd share it with you guys!

03-26-2002, 10:59 PM
Ah, sounds nice.

You wanna know what I did yesterday? I did noting but go to 3 movies. Yep 3 movies. Me and my wife first went to see Blade 2, (Which was very good) then we walked down the hall to see Resident Evil, (Which was a bit frightening) And then as I want to go home, they were about to play Ice Age. And my wife want to go and see that one... so, we did. Which I thought was a dumb movie. Then I came home and did nothing.

Oh what's that? I'm a cheap bastard. So! :D

:king: PrinceMSC:king:

03-26-2002, 11:04 PM
Damn straight. Check your PMs Prince...

That's cool, 10 hours already..was it hard?