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View Full Version : Turtle Tiles...

03-25-2002, 08:38 PM
Not TMNT, but I am trying to make a scene, similar to the one in Majora's Mask with the turtle... Does anyone know of an SNES game with a turtle that might suit those needs? Or already have the tiles.

I dont expect anyone to have these but I thought I'd ask.

03-25-2002, 09:04 PM
The only thing I can think of is Bucksaboo in Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2). He was pretty much exactly like the turtle in Majora's Mask in form (he was sort of like an island but you could ride him), but unfortunately he looked nothing like him..

03-25-2002, 09:09 PM
How big is this turtle? Do you have a picture you could send me?

03-25-2002, 09:41 PM