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View Full Version : Best Video Game Soundtrack?

03-24-2002, 10:57 AM
No no no no...now before you pop off with the "Zelda"'s and the ""Goldeneye"s, that is NOT what I'm talking about.

I am just wondering what you guys think the best Video Game Soundtrack THAT WAS MADE BY ACTUAL BANDS is. Not to insult Zelda or whatever, but I'm talking about stuff like THPS3 - where there was actual tracks by actual bands.

And keep in mind that by best soundtrack not only do I mean 'best song' but 'best series of songs'. A game that had one kickass song but the rest were crapola isn't what I'm looking for.

I'll start off. I personally think that Frequency has the best soundtrack as of now, but that is only because I'm addicted to it right now. I also happen to be partial to THPS3's soundtrack, THPS2's soundtrack (THPS1 had too many 'forgetable' songs in it), and Jet Set Radio's soundtrack (Not even Rob Zombie's presence could ruin it).

Your favorites?

03-24-2002, 02:30 PM
Dave Mirra 2. Ozzy and Godsmack are good enough for me! :D

Kirov Airship
03-24-2002, 05:21 PM
THPS3's soundtrack is great, but I personally like THPS2's soundtrack better. The songs just said "skater" moreso in THPS2.

03-27-2002, 11:18 AM
I think the PS1 Twisted Metal soundtracks gave those games a big bonus in fun. Im don't care for Rob Zombie and the like as standalone listening material, but damn if those tunes didn't suit those games perfectly! I also loved how they used the oldschool song "Black" for the PS2 Twisted Metal, since the only time you ever really see that song is in war movies, nice to see a bit of a change for it... it's still combat... but without the guerillas this time... oldie but a goodie :laughing: