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View Full Version : The Triforce of Elements Update

Torch Of Fire
03-23-2002, 10:28 PM
I have new tiles for my quest. Now I need to know how u set it so u can grab the tiles and place them like any normal tile that u can use that is a default.

03-23-2002, 10:36 PM
Wrong forum.

03-23-2002, 10:37 PM
I'm going to assume you mean grab like "In how to set them up on the combo page" Simple... On the right side of the screen there is your combo page. Right click on a spot, where you want your tile to go. Then you will get a box. Right click on the tile in the box to get to the tile pages. I think the rest is easy enough from there.

I think you really should have posted this in ZC Quest Edtior Help.

:king: PrinceMSC:king:

03-23-2002, 10:40 PM
Don't worry, MSC. It's done. :)

This has been a friendly serving of moderator juice. Seconds, anyone?

Now back on topic...:D

[email protected]

Torch Of Fire
03-24-2002, 11:53 AM
No u know how u can place tiles on a screen well I need to know how to set some more tiles up that are customs so that I can choose them and place them on the screen.

03-25-2002, 08:10 AM
1) use multiple sentences
2) what you need to do first is grab the tiles by clicking quest>tiles in ZQ. Now click on a blank spot somewhere and click the grab button. Now select the bmp they are on and grab them. Do the samet thing with the pallete, quest>pallete. I didn't totally understand where you got that part or not so that's why I explained it. Now just do what prince says, right-click on a combo in the menu to the right, click on the picture representing the graphic for that combo and select the tile u want the combo to use.

Torch Of Fire
03-25-2002, 01:56 PM
Ok I got my tiles set now i need to know how to place them on the map and how to make sure they look correct when placing them.

03-25-2002, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Torch Of Fire
Ok I got my tiles set now i need to know how to place them on the map and how to make sure they look correct when placing them.


For starters, move to a random cSet (I suggest cSet 2, maybe 3...whichever is the first empty one you see), and right-clicking the first tile in the set. Click the silly icon that contains a heart and whatever else, and choose the tile from the tile page. Return with your selection to the window, and set the other options in the dialog box (the pink square bits are to declare walkable and unwalkable tiles). Hit OK. Your first tile is set up.

Repeat with another tile in the cSet.


Repeat until done.

If you have new icon tiles, as well, come back later after you have your tiles set up.

A note: make sure to set the cSet on every screen on the map. Otherwise, you get to select it for every single screen; a real pain. To set it for the map, use Set All in the cSet dialog.

[email protected]