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03-21-2002, 10:30 AM
Cold and desolate is the road I must travel , a road of lies , a regretted past , hatred , shame , envy... and lovelessness. Am I living a lie? Must my existence truly be based around so feeble a concept? Must hours of contemplation be spent burning away my mind as I try to find the one answer , the answer to all questions?

Deep are the wounds I have taken inside, deep , inalienable. Horrible though they are , they have filled me with experience and have armored my soul. Yet the pains of life have become those that pierce armor. It seems the harder I have become , the harder life hits me. Therefore I am always left with what I call "the Agony of the Present"

Some speak of going to hell when they die. I am already in hell. What can this proverbial "hell" that they speak of possibly do to make anything worse for me? Physical pain would be a pleasure to this that I feel inside. I do not exaggerate. Id rather be starving , in physical pain , anything , than torn inside to this degree.

Feeble , is the one word I can think of to describe me. Feeble-minded, feeble-willed, feeble-hearted. I have nothing about me with which to gain what would bring me happiness. I can only imagine. Imagine though I will , it hurts ...

The man who sets his eagle free can only weep , for it shall never return. Weep he so that his own selfishness would cause him to take his gun and shoot it down , so that he would not have to be seperate from it. Sometimes I feel I'd rather hurt with someone than not hurt without that person. Am I normal? Or am I crazy?

I cry out for help , but I only seem to get kicked, I pray for a hand to touch my shoulder and take me from this unavoidable sadness, but all I get is indifference, and utter loneliness. A part of growing up , I suppose.

Once or twice was I told that one is more valued when he can endure being alone. I guess that is the only route , the only way to "freedom" be there any such thing...

Well I guess Ill just stick it out ...

Its the only choice you have when youre in Hell ...

Clueless Blonde
03-21-2002, 10:38 AM
bigjoe, I don't really know what to tell you. That feeling of all loneliness is awful. Trust me, I've been there.
Although I'm somewhat unsure of what your situation is... Please let me know if there's anything I can do. You'll be in my prayers.

03-21-2002, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by bigjoe
Well I guess Ill just stick it out ...

Its the only choice you have when youre in Hell ...

Or you could commit suicide! (j/k) It's brotherly love, man, brotherly love.