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View Full Version : More newdefault bugs! (Watches DN curse KJAZZ)

03-21-2002, 02:08 AM
Yea, on tile page #0 it has some weird stuff on it, plus the thing from the intro that says refer to manual. It's odd, check it out. :rolleyes:

03-21-2002, 04:21 AM
I think some os that "weird stuff" may be floor and ceiling master tiles...

03-21-2002, 05:01 AM
not to be rude , but have you completely no reasoning KJazz? (I wont even comment JayeM). Those are needed for the waterfalls , and manual in the title screen. Yeah I know that was a little harsh but i just woke up.


Dark Nation
03-21-2002, 06:53 AM
Yes, bigjoe is right. Simply put, originally, that stuff (the vines in the bottom half of the first few tiles, the waterfall top tiles, the waterfall cascade tiles, and the "look up the manual" tiles) were all in the original tile set. However, when you told the game to create a new quest, the vines were X'd out and the other tiles were blanked so you could use them, as there would most likely be no use for them in your quest. Because I changed the format of the initial tile stuff, I had to put it back in and leave it. Kind of nostalgic, if you ask me. :)