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View Full Version : Version History

03-19-2002, 12:36 AM
Did someone create a version history file for inclusion in the ZC folder? I'm trying to create a fully specific list of everything added (and fixed) from beta to beta, since way back at beta 104; information on other betas is lost in the old BT forum, so I will be stopping there unless someone can provide me this info. (Heck, if I can get the info, I'll go all the way back to the start of the program. :) )

[email protected]

03-19-2002, 01:34 AM
I could edit, but I'm lazy; besides, I'm bumping it with my attachment.

Attached is what I have so far. I plan to create a nicer version, perhaps with something like MS Word. However, does anyone have progress update from up to beta 104? Everything I know of after is covered, unless I missed something.

NEway, this can be included in the Readme file viewed from Windows. Unless there is a separate file, which I shall research sometime after going offline. I'm done for the nite, methinks.

Let me know if something is missing.

[email protected]