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View Full Version : *heavy sigh* Another Photoshop "Voting"

The Savior
03-18-2002, 06:28 PM
Well, I was the only person to submit this week. I want to increase the turnout, because I'm getting tired of having 1 and 2 submission weeks. So I need opinions on how to get more people to submit. Should there be more than a week to submit? Is it too hard to come up with something funny with the pictures I find? And everyone who doesn't generally submit (everyone except VEL and I, really) I want you to post why you don't. Even if it's just because you don't think you have the skillz, please post that. I've rambled on long enough, here's my pic:


03-18-2002, 06:44 PM
1) I can edit...
2) The pictures you give us are sometimes to wierd to make a funny picture
3) Some people have better things to do....
4) The topic always dies down to the next page cause everyone posts in GD.

03-18-2002, 06:48 PM
I don't even have photoshop, let alone know how to use it. Doesn't it cost about $500?:odd:

03-18-2002, 07:11 PM
Just use MSPaint. That's sometimes funnier than anything else anyways.

Savior - I'm glad that you're still doing this, and I'm sorry that I don't have time for submissions myself. My only days off are weekends and I've just accepted a new position at work and until someone gets hired and trained for my old position, I'm working a split shift to cover both. It's really tiring and I don't have as much free time at work anymore which is why I'm even scarce on the boards here lately. Hopefully this won't last longer than a month, then I'll have my evening completely free and be working a normal 8:30am-4:30pm shift. But I hope you keep this up as I enjoy the submissions, even if they are only 3 or 4 a week.

I'd encourage everyone to take part in this, even if you suck at it because sometimes the less skilled ones are the funniest.

03-18-2002, 07:25 PM
I think maybe a week is not enough time. I myself suck at anything to do with graphics but maybe I will give it a go.
Exactly how do you go about submitting them? And what is the new picture?

The Savior
03-18-2002, 07:46 PM
Hmm, maybe I should start posting all the rules/submission info every Wednesday. To submit, just PM me your edited pic in .jpg form, preferably, (please provide your own hosting, if you want help getting webspace to put your pics on, PM me) New pics to edit are posted on Wednesdays, the deadline is/voting starts around 4:00 central Monday, although I generally don't mind holding it off a few hours if you contact me about it early enough. You don't need Photoshop to make a picture, I myself use Paint Shop Pro (www.jasc.com) some people use paint, but I find that a bit tedious due to poor pallate support. A good, cheap alternative is MGI PhotoSuite, which I used until I acquired PSP. On a last note, DP is perfectly right, even if you suck, please submit!

03-18-2002, 10:14 PM
I snaged the pic and was going to do somthing with it, then I got the impression that it HAD to be photoshop. So I downloaded Photo Shop Pro 6 just now! So anything in the futcher I'd be interested in messing with.
I wanted to somthing with the wiz of oz, or robots with this last one, you know 'bots doing the YMCA, but to somthing els.
Is there a new pic you want us to work on now???

J.J. Maxx
03-18-2002, 10:48 PM
Hmmm.. well I *do* think that it takes a certain type of picture to be good for this contest. And I just don't 'feel' some of the pics we've had. :shrugs: But otherwise I think you should keep plugging away. :thumbsup:

The Savior
03-18-2002, 10:56 PM
Jemsee - see my post right above your's.

And for those of you who say the pics could be better, I fully agree. Most of the pics were chosen on Wednesday, right after I remembered what day it was and rushed to put something up. But remember you can submit pictures to be photoshopped!!! Sometimes I wonder if people hear me when I say it, but I always do. If you think a certain pic should be up for editing, send me the URL and I'll check it out. And if I use it, you'll get 5 points.

03-18-2002, 11:53 PM
I don't usually do it because I have PSP and I don't even know how to use that. Also, I prefer a contest where there is a theme, and we get to choose the picture and submit that. The week where we got to pick pics from the AGN Member Pages was great, I submitted one for that, but I didn't follow the rules LOL. Maybe we could have themed weeks, like "rejected Valentine's Day cards" or something. (I ripped that idea off from somethingawful.com)

03-19-2002, 08:12 AM
well if i could edit graphics, i sure would enter, if i do see something, and get an idea, id enter for sure.

Dirk the Daring
03-19-2002, 10:36 AM
I will give it a shot, so count me in. From what I gather, the new photo will be posted in GD tomorrow?

03-19-2002, 12:34 PM
I got the next contest's pic!

What do think Savior?:D :kawaii:

J.J. Maxx
03-19-2002, 12:43 PM
I think the main problem is that the photos picked are funny in themselves. This doesn't often lend itself to being able to be turned around. Serious photo's are the ones that you can turn funny. Like the one pic that I submitted and made the Muppet one out of. Just go to a news site and look there. A bunch of good quality serious pics to use. :thumbsup:

03-20-2002, 09:54 PM
okay, I got a copy of macromedia fireworks, so I'll be ready to go as soon as you give us the next pic, Savior!!

p.s. I would have used paint, but I didn't have any good Ideas for the last one.