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View Full Version : Release Windows ZC player half only?

03-18-2002, 04:56 PM
This occurred to my mind after viewing this (http://boards.armageddongames.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=52087) thread. Why not release the earliest working player (or the current one...your choice), without ZC, and let the poor souls unable to DOS actually be able to enjoy some playing time? I don't see it hurting anything to let a few poor souls - or even those without souls - be able to play.

Thus, basically, release the exact same thing you give to us; however, remove zquest.exe and any other ZQuest items from the installer.

Just a thought; strike it down with a reason if you wish. But I don't see this much hurting. Thoughts?

[email protected]

03-18-2002, 05:25 PM
Will 1.90 quests work on the new player without being opened and saved in the new ZQ first?

03-18-2002, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by JayeM
Will 1.90 quests work on the new player without being opened and saved in the new ZQ first?

If DN takes the exact version of build 104 and adds his Windows controls, then it's a definite yes, methinks. Maybe fix the Octos and Peahats in 104 while he's at it (I know they work for us now). :shrug:

Again, it's just an idea.

[email protected]

03-19-2002, 11:22 PM

Bringing this back up because of this (http://boards.armageddongames.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=52188). Exactly as I stated as an option. And I really would like to know if this could happen.

[email protected]

Dark Nation
03-20-2002, 06:55 AM
Well, releasing the player only would still keep certain WinNT/2000/Me/XP users from making quests. What say another public beta? Just like 104? No restrictions, but no guarantees, either. Totally out of the blue. After all, we only have like 3 WinXP beta testers I believe. This would help us find out any other Windows-port-related bugs.


03-20-2002, 07:09 AM
Which beta will it be? I'd like to have the text file updated for it.

03-20-2002, 07:10 AM
I think that would be a good idea.

It will also help the participaters from the custom contest, as well as quest creators who want to join this contest without the trouble of getting a private beta.

03-20-2002, 08:26 AM

-Overlord goes into bitch mode as ever he does when this subject rears its head-

Why not, and here's a far flung suggestion... release 1.92? :eek: *gasp* what an unreal thought? the fact of actually giving the public a real full version? Not possible...

Forgive my sarcasm.. I'm in a foul mood.

But seriously.. this is gonna be known as the era of public beta's. If you're gonna release another one why not just zap it as 1.92 and start on 2.0 now? There really is no earthly point to continue delaying the final push of ZC 2.0 any longer by throwing out beta's.

Please, just get on with it :rolleyes: People are gonna start to think the next full version is a myth. And as for contests, I do think Cyclone, that you've been given extreme leeway already by allowing contestants and GQ makers to use beta versions. It isn't fair to the rest of the community, and it's turning ZC into one huge mess of beta's and version numbers.

DN, I really do suggest wrapping up this version soon, is there a special list of additions that are meant to go in? If not, then we could make the release now. If there's something you're waiting to add before release, then please inform :shrug:

Just god, no more public beta's..

Dark Nation
03-20-2002, 09:22 AM
The only difference between a full release and a beta is the fact that a beta has beta tacked onto the end of it and we don't submit it to places like CNet and so forth. Also, with a beta, people *know* that it could still be full of bugs. That's the purpose of releasing a beta to the public, get it out on a lot of machines to help find bugs.

Which is why I would prefer to release another public beta before a final release; there are still bugs I am tracking down.

03-20-2002, 10:38 AM
So one more public beta, and - if all goes well - a final release? In the words of many: ABOUT TIME!

If not, then at least bring out the Windows version of 104. Preferably with Octoroks and Peahats fixed; thus, 105 or so. ;)

[email protected]