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View Full Version : It's an old topic i know.

03-18-2002, 06:16 AM
I was looking at a nearly month old topic (http://boards.armageddongames.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50515&perpage=25&pagenumber=1) when i had an idea. How bout program a hack so you can block any certain avatar a person has? Not just all of them, but right below the persons avatar would be a checkable option to load the persons avatar or not. So this way nobody can bitch about anybodys avatar. They dont like it,*click* its gone. And it would renew after the avatar has been changed. or not.
Well ill look into this more, but chaces are ill forget it before i go to sleep tonight. But if people think its a good idea, let me know.
Unless of course, this has already been made.

Drunken Tiger
03-18-2002, 06:33 AM
yeah, sounds like a good idea but i know i wont be using it!!
I cant be bothered bitchin about someones avatar and blockin lil pics!!:shrugs:

03-18-2002, 07:32 AM
Yes, nice idea! But... this is like ignore members. Just put that member in your ignore list. Done ;)

03-18-2002, 10:45 AM
Hmm...............sounds good, but sounds like a LOT of work