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View Full Version : I recently started using ZQuest and...

The Thing
03-17-2002, 01:42 PM
I need a few ideas for quests. Anyone got any and does anyone have a link to the tileshop?

03-17-2002, 01:52 PM
Tileshop link is easy: http://tileshop.armageddongames.com
As for ideas... well what sort of general theme did you have in mind?

The Thing
03-17-2002, 02:04 PM
I was thinking a super mario themed quest or maybe sonic quest.
Thx for the link.

03-17-2002, 02:21 PM
this should be........interesting. ;)

03-17-2002, 02:36 PM
Or, as TSA would say, it probably won't be.

Immortal Warrior
03-19-2002, 07:53 PM
First of all, if your just starting out, I'd advise you to do that
First, to make a quest like the one your suggesting, you need to be able to make and edit a whole tileset from scratch, and I've only just got into that and I've been using ZC for months. Either that, or have good links with people who have allready done what you would like. Basically, start small, start with a little quest in newfirst, revenge 2 or BS (not classic, or I will have to personally rip you limb from limb) you know a 9 level, collect the triforce, save zelda affair.
If you can stick that, then move on to higher things
To many people come in here, wanting to make a revolutionary quest with little experience. You need to start at the bottom.
So, now I've uttered my words of wisdom, I leave you to ponder the direction you wish to take :)

03-19-2002, 11:15 PM
I got my start in classic. (Ignore Immortal Warrior's threat :) )
And while I was creating the quest I found a need for tiles that didn't exist so I made them by altering the tiles I had. All fine and good.

Then with my second quest I started working with the BS tileset. And gave up promptly. I couldn't get things working out good enough for me to enjoy it.

I got into newfirst and again created a few tiles whenever things weren't quite working out for me.

So basically what I'm trying to say is to pick a tileset that is easier before working your way into the harder things. After all, learning how to use ZQuest is hard enough without trying to figure out the hows and whys to a particular tileset.
