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View Full Version : Favorite new console

03-16-2002, 10:46 PM
I want to know how many people like GCN, XBOX, or PS2 better.

03-16-2002, 10:53 PM
x-box has the best grapics and games

03-16-2002, 11:44 PM
I'm choosing to be biased and saying GCN is my favorite system since its the only one I own. GCN RoXXORSS!!!11

(wait, I couldn't be biased about this because the question was what system was my favorite, not 'what system is the best?')

03-16-2002, 11:51 PM
Yeah, naturally I chose the PS2, the successor of the arguably best system of the 32/64 bit era.

Master Ghaleon
03-17-2002, 12:14 AM
Right now the PS2 is the better system for now. Gamecube would be better if it had more games for it early on. Gamecube will be ther better one in the long run.

03-17-2002, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Master Ghaleon
Right now the PS2 is the better system for now. Gamecube would be better if it had more games for it early on. Gamecube will be ther better one in the long run.

On AGN, yes. I've been amazed how many polls on this subject have consistently givin the GC as the best system. I guess this is because of the Zelda factor that is calculated into AGN member tastes(because ZC and to a much lesser degree, OZ causes more members to register). I guess I shouldn't be so amazed, even though I find that I am.

Personally though, the PS2 will likely be the winner. In the US, its sold more consoles, so more people actually have a PS2, which means more third party developers. Same deal in Japan. The PS2 will of course run itself out faster than the GC or X-box, but thats because it has a head start. By 2005, we can probably expect the PS3, which will use a custom designed processor, being co-developed by SONY and IBM(IBM being the ones who supplied the GC with a processor).

Thats my speculation though, even if the PS2 doesn't do as well, I'm still going to wind up liking it more for the fact it can play the majority of FF games in the series. That, and I can watch DVDs on it.

03-17-2002, 02:10 AM
I don't have a PS2, but i believe it is the best of the new systems, followed by Xbox and GC.

03-18-2002, 02:53 AM
Well, there are alot of things you have to take into account if you wish to think about this question and get a respectable answer.

As far as versitility goes, the PS2 wins hands down. Sony was nothing short of brilliant in their brainstorming of creating it.
With its ability to play all PS1 games (except for maybe 12-15), use PS1 controllers, and PS1 memory cards, I think those factors alone will keep it ahead in the next-gen console race.

As far as the X-Box goes, sure it's hardware is superior to both GC and PS2. But basically the PS2 and X-Box accomplish the same things (DVD movies, DVD discs, Hard drives, Internet access, etc.) But frankly, to be honest, who in their right mind would trust Microsoft. To me it'll be some time before I put any faith in a company who has an OS crash on its unveiling day :laughing: , much less create an OS that's even remotely stable. I also honestly don't see what all the hype is about its ability to read 9.8gig double layered DVD discs either, you'll never in this lifetime see a game come even remotely close to filling up half that (waste of space), unless of course the game contained 2-3 hours of nothing but video, then it might reach the 9.8gig limit.

As far as the Gamecube goes, it's wasn't built to be snazzy, it was built for gaming (aside from the Japan version which has DVD movie capabilities). It does what it was built for to a tea... God I love Star Wars... :laughing:

In my poll:
1. PS2
2. Gamecube
3. X-box

I think alot of people are sitting back and waiting to see what happens before they decide to spend that kind of cash on a console. I put my money on PS2 all the way.

That's why I went out and got one :laughing:
More Metal Gear and Final Fantasy for me !!! (plus the entire PS1 library :evil: )

Depends on the person and what kind of games they like. I've always preferred Sony's more adult gaming, than Nintendo's gear towards younger audiences.


03-18-2002, 03:30 AM
I'm voting for GameCube right now cause I just got it and its supplying me with a lot of entertainment right now. Damn I love it! Playstation is in a close second, and XBOX isn't on there for me cause I don't own one yet. I plan on getting one when there are more games that appeal to me.

03-18-2002, 04:36 PM
I think that the gamecube is the best because it is purely for games and dosn't cost too much.

I also go with the gamecube because, when everyone has a modern computer, no one will need the dvd player and internet on the constol as it will all be on the computer!

03-19-2002, 01:42 PM
If I would rate the systems right now it would be:

1. X-box
2. PS2
3. Gamecube

PS2 is more popular right now but I think overall X-box is the better gaming experience. I think PS2 and X-box wouldn't even be in the same ballpark if it wasn't for Grand Theft Auto III. The X-box is a better system cable of producing better games.

As for Gamecube, it has potential and the Square announcement gives it a good chance of a comeback... but I really am amazed at anyone that can say it is the best right now. There are about five future Gamecube titles I am excited about, six if you include the Square announcement that I will take a wait and see approach to (remember Square was also exclusively going to make games for the N64, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sony makes an offer they can't refuse), but Gamecube's current games are weak to say the least. Smash Bros rules, as does Star Wars, but I think the time is past to quote those titles, and Nintendo hasn't released anything else to make me say "I'm glad I own my Gamecube", so until Resident Evil comes out, my Gamecube will collect dust and my X-box will receive my console gaming time.