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03-16-2002, 05:55 PM
Ever notice how much of a tragedy it is for someone who's made a life of locking people up and stripping them of their human rights to die? seriously you ever get the feeling that cops have a huge hard on for each other?

I'm not saying people need to die, but damn... Like for example someone can commit a crime and get shot in the head, and it's all in a fuckindays work, yet a cop drops,a dn we roll out a damned motorcade and talk about the tragedy...

Anyone else think they have too high an opinion of what they do?

03-16-2002, 06:24 PM
Ever notice how when a person who devotes his or her life to protecting the people and pursuing justice gets murdered, there's always a group out there who cheers and says they had it coming?

Sure there are police officers who souldn't have their badge, who abuse their power, but the majority are there to serve and protect. It's a tragedy because they put their lives on the line for others. Their lives aren't worth more than a bum on the street in the big picture, but in death they are mourned by the people they have served and protected.

03-16-2002, 06:27 PM
valid points, but...

when was the last time a cop "served" or "protected" you?

The things they stand for are good, but many of us don't seem to fall into their list of priorities thus I don't see how they are reveared

03-16-2002, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
valid points, but...

when was the last time a cop "served" or "protected" you?

The things they stand for are good, but many of us don't seem to fall into their list of priorities thus I don't see how they are reveared

Sort of a feeling of security I guess. I'd rather we have them than not, and hope that corruption can be meted out by public action(which can happen).

Although, the main purpose of a police force is to maintain order in a city. We can't have riots tearing city blocks apart and people's property being vandalized and looted. This is why all police forces were insituted in the 19th century. Before then, actual armed militias would have to descend upon a riot and resort to brutal force to break it up.

Be thankful we have a hand full of cops loyal to the local law maintaining order in a city, as opposed to a fully armed army under control of a much higher authority.

And yes, corruption can exist within a police force, which is unfortunate, and another unfortunatehood is getting busted by police for breaking laws you don't agree with.

But its in this reality I'd rather live, than one where anarchy is present and the military has to be called in to force people into their own homes while the perpetrators are hunted down and brutally killed as an example to all those who might think its a good idea to take advantage of a lack of an immediate lawful pressence.

03-16-2002, 06:47 PM
Ah, police....it all depends on your viewpoint, as in which side of the law you're looking at them from. Now that I've been legal for a few years, I kinda like them.

But then not even the squeakiest clean person likes seeing a cop car in their rearview mirror.

03-16-2002, 06:54 PM
Oh, by no means do I believe we should do away with cops, but rather I feel the constitution and other other golden law book that's horribly outdated need be thrown away and rewritten with the public in mind and in control. Many things that pit us against one another (we as all people) are simply based on something someone in our particular matrix has helped to form is wrong, and in many cases such as use of narcotics, and other forms of consumption those who claim it to be wrong despite not actually being in any way affected by it have what's called a law to back thier own ideals which when compared to our current constitution is an atrocity of justice in itself, but that's a whole other story. I can honestly see these traits in a few of our fellow AGNers but I do my best not to let it sweat me. Now my deal with cops is simple. I wonder if people holding up flags and delivering the flowers to the graves of the fallen officer ever ask themselves what this person actually did to deserve thier concern. Granted all death should be taken seriously, but many people lose sight of that when thinking of the better good of their beliefs which is in essence discrimination in it's truest form, but maybe that's just me...

I recently had to smuggle a moderate amount of marijauna (around a months supply) from Florida to California via greyhound, and had anything happened to me I would have been absolutely fucked by it... I just wonder sometimes what did I do to deserve this kind of stress. I like to get high and meditate I like to toke up and have a laugh with friends. I like to embrace the freedom to be given to everyone but me, and loving something that doesn't love you back is never easy whether it be an ideal or tangible matter.

03-16-2002, 07:43 PM
Yes, the whole issue of drugs is a troubling one to libertarians(like myself) and those who do responsibly use drugs for recreational use. The problem I see with their ever being legalized though, is that the government has had a policy since the late 19th century of government sponsored social betterment(a term I derived from an article I read on Thomas Paine).

Because of the the rise of the middle class, who wielded much greater control over society and government policy than non-nobility in the past, there was a realization that many things were wrong with modern urban life that affected the middle class as well as the poor classes that nobody gave a shit about. They also realized the poor classes, if they're lot were improved by government action, could become more upstanding citizens, and thus lower the danger of a worker uprising against middle and upper classes.

The government thus has in place a policy of supporting popular laws and programs that sate public interest by showing that what it is doing is the interest of the people, and that people should realize that life is better for these laws and programs being in place, making narcotics illegal one of them. Supposedly, if drugs legal, they would break apart families, lower the productivity of people, and generally cause a mess of pacifist society.

While the people are convinced of this idea, drugs will never be legal, and while people are convinced that few people are responsible and intelligent enough to control their impulses enough to lower the risk of drug use, they will support laws making drugs illegal.

Other programs in place include the requirement of sanitation in cities, public housing, and a variety of laws and programs designed to keep people from lowering the general quality of life as a result of their poverty and perhaps weakness of character. This is primarily why drugs are illegal, the belief that if they were legal, everyone would use them and then everyone would be dragging down the quality of life and such. Also gambling and prostitution are made illegal for the same reasons, as was Alcohol during prohibition.

Incidently, the police force's aim in society was shifted to appeal to these sentiments and its these reasons that most people accept the pressence of police in our every day lives.

03-16-2002, 08:30 PM
The last time a cop helped me was three days ago. And he has been serveeng and protecting me and my fam. all winter. I live in the country, closest nighbor is 1/2 mile away. The county sheriff does a drive be about every 3 days. They found a house broken into about 1 mile away. He stopped and reported it to us personaly, and said to be on the look out.
They also were a large help to my daughter who was in an accedent 2 years ago.
So yeah, I like haveing them around. It sux when I get cought speeding, but I did break a law. So is it wrong to break a law, or is it wrong only if we are caught?
As for cops on parade when one of there own dies?
Well if someone died I worked with; cop, fireman, Joe Blow the janator, whoever, I'd probaly go to the funeral. But thats just me.