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View Full Version : Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 138

Dark Nation
03-16-2002, 04:44 PM
What's new/fixed:

1. The new triggers should be working now and I've added the wand and hammer triggers. The wand itself, not the magic, activates the wand trigger.

2. The hookshot now goes through any gap that is 1/2 combo size or larger. Before, it wouldn't go between combos that were together and had their touching walk flags turned off.

3. Weapons should trigger things at the right times now. For instance, before, an arrow would trigger an arrow flag even if it was combo lower. This should be fixed now.

4. Stalfos 3 should be pretty much finalized now. Fires 4 swords instead of 1 now.

Gotta run. I'll try to update this post later with more details. Until then, see what you can find on your own.

I'm sure that the bug that previously was corrupting quests that had exactly 256 combos is still around. I think it's a roaming bug, though, so something else may trigger it now. Whenever you save, export a QSU file as well, just in case. Also note, I made a big change in the format of the quest files in this version, so make sure you back up stuff first.

One thing that you might notice immediately different, there are now 4 more template screens at the bottom. Secret combos use screen 84 instead of 83 now.

Anyway, here are the files:

Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 138 for DOS (http://www.armageddongames.com/darknation/beta/zc192b138/zc192b138d.exe)

Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 138 for Windows (http://www.armageddongames.com/darknation/beta/zc192b138/zc192b138w.exe)

If you missed them the last time around, here are the support archives:

Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 135+ Support Archive (http://www.armageddongames.com/darknation/beta/zc192b135/zc192b135s.exe)
+new enemy tiles.pdf

Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 126+ Windows Support Archive (http://www.armageddongames.com/darknation/beta/zc192b126/zc192b126ws.exe)

Here is the updated zgp.dat file for Beta 136+. Save it to your C:\ZCBeta folder (or wherever you've been installing the betas). I'll update the support archive with it later:

Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 136 NewDefault patch (http://www.armageddongames.com/darknation/beta/zc192b136/zgp.dat)

03-16-2002, 05:48 PM
Don't forget to stick this one, DN. :)

I'll hafta d/l later. Just checking stuff over here at the college before going to work (yes, the compie lab is open on weekends :D ).

[email protected]

03-16-2002, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Dark Nation
One thing that you might notice immediately different, there are now 4 more template screens at the bottom. Secret combos use screen 84 instead of 83 now.

Won't that cause some compatability issues?

03-16-2002, 06:13 PM
No, I think the compatibility issues have been solved by older quests having 83 duplicated in 84. Cool, we have plenty of space for secret combo tiles now! Now to figure out what 85, 86, and 87 are for...

03-16-2002, 07:14 PM
The Boomerang Trigger among other things has been fixed, now they work like any other secret.

Like the moved stuff: Gives you more secret combo options.


03-16-2002, 08:11 PM
Mapmaker 104 doesn't read my qsu file from this beta correctly.

03-16-2002, 08:35 PM
I should have that fixed in short order. It's cause of the new template screens.

03-16-2002, 10:24 PM
doesnt load at all for me. Illegal operation =( (windows version btw)

03-16-2002, 10:44 PM
here to meet the needs of an ever expanding Zelda Classic:

MapMaker 192b138 (http://gemini.tntech.edu/~eek8908/mm192b138.zip)

No new features (yet) just updated to the new format.


Dark Nation
03-17-2002, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by bigjoe
doesnt load at all for me. Illegal operation =( (windows version btw)

ZQuest, Zelda, or both? When you get the illegal operation, press the Details button. What is it causing an illegal operation in?

03-17-2002, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Dark Nation

I'm sure that the bug that previously was corrupting quests that had exactly 256 combos is still around. I think it's a roaming bug, though, so something else may trigger it now. Whenever you save, export a QSU file as well, just in case.

It seems like that 256 combo bug is the only thing that wont go away:laughing: :lol:

Originally posted by Dark Nation

Also note, I made a big change in the format of the quest files in this version, so make sure you back up stuff first..

1. Does that mean that we are done using the .qst extension?
2. Ive been constructing a test version of my LLT quest since Beta 115, Would I have to start over again?

03-18-2002, 07:34 PM
Sorry, I got mixed up while posting reports... please disregard this post.