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View Full Version : Yet another forum suggestion (with regard to polls...)

03-13-2002, 04:43 AM
I know GD has been filled with suggestions for things to do to the new VBulletin forums lately. But I have another one anyway.

In a poll where you can make multiple selections, the percentages don't seem to make as much sense. For example, I just made a poll in the Programming forum, and voted for nine options. (Keep in mind that I'm the first one to vote on this poll.) It now says each of those nine options have 11.11% of the votes. This is true as far as it goes, but isn't really that useful. What would be nicer to know is what percentage of the people that voted have chosen each particular option. Thus, each of those nine options I picked would be at 100%, because 100% of those who voted (1 out of 1) picked that particular option.

Hey, it's not that big of a deal, but it would seem more logical for this kind of poll, at least to me. So what do you think? (Specifically, what do those of you who have access to the source code think? :D )

03-13-2002, 09:50 PM
hehe..i had to read thru that one twice before i totally understood what you were talkin about. i don't know whether it's possible or not, but i know you're pretty handy when it comes to programming. you can always look at the vbulletin manual (http://www.vbulletin.com/manual/index.html) from the main vbulletin page and browse thru the hacks to see if it's available.

03-13-2002, 09:54 PM
yeah, that would make more sense
good idea