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View Full Version : FF3 PC!!! Sign your petition!!!

03-11-2002, 07:01 PM
Ok, I'm starting a petition to get FF3 PC revived!!!! I'm hoping to get 5000 "signatures" just vote yay or nay. Do you want it revived?

EDIT-Also, mods, could someone freeze this topic?

03-11-2002, 07:05 PM
Its not as if anyone is actively keeping FF3 PC from being revived. To continue to original project would at least require the source code, and Kryten took it with him into the abyss from which he hasn't(to my knowledge) returned from. Then if the project were continued from scratch, who do you know that has the skills necessary to take up the project?

EDIT: you'll not see this topic frozen by me, as I don't see it as a great priority.

03-11-2002, 07:07 PM
This might be a good thought but, who's going to make FF3PC? The project stopped because the programmer/creator went missing, you'd need a group willing to clone Final Fantasy 6 perfectly, with a experienced programmer, and people to rip graphics and sounds.

Instead of recreating Final Fantasy VI, I think a better idea would be to make a rpg engine like Final Fantasy.

03-11-2002, 07:12 PM
Fine by me!! I just want a good Rpg engine similar to FF6, which is better than RM2K. I would help with music, and try to help with the graphics

03-11-2002, 07:15 PM
just to let you know, IF i see this topic frozen, im closing it or deleting it altogether.

if people want to sign, they'll keep this topic alive by posting.

personally, i'd only like to see FF3 PC revived if it has some things completely different from the original FF3, like the doma castle plothole.

kefka poisons the water, and all the people die BEFORE drinking the water. thats gotta be changed.

03-11-2002, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by Dechipher
Fine by me!! I just want a good Rpg engine similar to FF6, which is better than RM2K. I would help with music, and try to help with the graphics

Heh, well a revived FF3PC would not yield such. The original plans for FF3PC was an exact clone of FFVI, with some possible extra hidden items and an improved resolution. Kryten was not going to release a quest editor for his engine, but rather hand out the source code to anybody who could find everything hidden in the game(items, events, characters most likely).

If you wanted a gaming engine with an editor similar to ZC or RM2k, you would have been out of luck with FF3PC, anyway.

03-11-2002, 07:20 PM
hmmm...ok, then, I guess this is still another RPG editor request then. Any takers?

03-11-2002, 07:23 PM
Getting petitions and signatures doesn't mean anything. Learn Allegro or C++ or find yourself a programmer, then you've got something. :spin:

03-11-2002, 07:27 PM
No one wants to do anything...

Burning BaneWolf
03-11-2002, 08:20 PM
I actually joined AGN because of the FF3PC project. I posted most of my posts there...(sniff)...I made lots of sugestions, and then Kryten just..disapeared or something.

I would like to see the FF3PC project revived. I would also be willing to help. I can't program all that well yet, but I am learning. In a few years I should be able to do something like this...but thats a few years from now.

Anyway, I'll probably start repeating myself repeating myself repeating myself if I go on much longer; YOU HAVE MY VOTE!!

03-11-2002, 08:20 PM
Well, it's not that, but signing a petition ain't gonna get Joe Blow to step up and say "Hey, I'll spend a year or two programming something for no profit whatsoever! Sounds like fun!" It ain't happening.

Burning BaneWolf
03-11-2002, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Orion
Well, it's not that, but signing a petition ain't gonna get Joe Blow to step up and say "Hey, I'll spend a year or two programming something for no profit whatsoever! Sounds like fun!" It ain't happening.

Thats true, but if we make it look official enough we might be able to get Bob (a.k.a. some guy about as smart as Dilbert's boss) to pay Joe Blow to do it.....yeah right.......

Oh well...maybe I'll do it in a few years after I finish learning C++

Glenn the Great
03-11-2002, 08:45 PM
As I understood it, people who beat FF3PC (and found all of the secrets, old and new) would not only get the source code, but also the editing tools that Kryten was using to put it all together. So yes, you could make your own Final Fantasy, but there was no guarantee of how user friendly the editor would be.

Kryten had promised to remake FF6, and work in several new things; popular rumors off the internet such as resurrecting General Leo, and he'd add some new areas and subquests. He said he'd also include in the game the secret unused enemies from the ROM such as Colossus. He had some other plans too, like a multiplayer coliseum of some sort.

I don't know what happened to Kryten. He was gone for a few weeks, then he popped in to say that he had computer trouble but he would still be with us, and that was the last we ever heard from him. It's been almost a year since then.

Burning BaneWolf
03-11-2002, 10:18 PM
He was also going to add "prizes" for how fast you beat the game and how many secrets you unlocked. As well as removing the 9999 max damage, and making some of the bosses without a max life. There were other things as well, like solutions (maybe) to things like "What happens if I kill Kefka in the WoB?" (Which I have done in the original, he falls over and dies...then gets up and runs away)

More things would have changed (for the better) too, but I probably shouldn't spend an hour listing them all.

I just hope the project is revived...some day.

03-12-2002, 10:46 AM
Hmm, I have never heard of FF3PC before, but from what I've read, It sounds good, I myself have beaten the actual game. I am very interested in this and will help if you want me to.:D

Would I be right to say that there are old versions still around, and If so, where can I get them from?:confused:

03-12-2002, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by obi
Hmm, I have never heard of FF3PC before, but from what I've read, It sounds good, I myself have beaten the actual game. I am very interested in this and will help if you want me to.:D

Would I be right to say that there are old versions still around, and If so, where can I get them from?:confused:

The last demo had a neat title screen (in FF6 style I guess) but all you could do was walk around Narshe like at the beginning of the game with Terra, Wedge, and Biggs in Magiteck Armor. The demo did do the parts where Biggs and Wedge talk about entering the town, and when they have to enter the cave and break down the gate, and you can get up to the frozen Tritoch but that's it. There was supposed to be some secret room too. I used to have the demo on my webspace but I took it down a while ago. There's not much to see other than a recreation of Narshe without the people, music and battles on your PC.

09-26-2005, 01:49 PM
I'd be willing to take up the project; that is, if I could get allegro to compile. I'd say I could do it in a couple of months, but that doesn't include ripping graphics. A full-on editor would probably take a good bit longer, but still, it'd be a worthwhile idea.

Darth Marsden
09-26-2005, 01:57 PM
I think a better idea would be to do what Mak-X suggested, as in a Final Fantasy RPG Maker style program. Not only would that allow for your FF6 (I go by the Japanese titles, since that way I get to play FFIV) remake, but also all of the other FF games (finally allowing someone to redo FFII without that godawful battle system), as well as other similar SNES/Genesis RPGs that I'd like to play again. I'd totally support that.

09-26-2005, 02:11 PM
Um..... gravedigging?

09-26-2005, 02:30 PM
I actually have a lot of the FF6 graphics ripped Deci, as well as most of the in game music. I am tied up in programming right now, but I can easily give you what I have. PM me if you want it

Darth Marsden
09-26-2005, 04:09 PM
Um..... gravedigging?Hey, I didn't revive this. It was already revived when I got here. I didn't do it, you didn't see me do it, you can't prove anything, etc.

09-26-2005, 04:27 PM
The funny thing is, hasn't Kryten returned from this abyss of which Daark speaks?

09-26-2005, 04:29 PM
He can prove that it wasnt you. Just check the dates and how long ago each post was made. No need to get so defensive.

Zero Wing
09-26-2005, 04:30 PM
for a second there, I though this was a project on the orignal Final Fantasy 3; but to see a remake for pc would be cool

09-26-2005, 05:15 PM
Why did you put a "Nay!!" option? It'd be more effective with an only "Yay!!" choice and a show names option.

Aside from that. Anything that is FF I would like to see. Except for another re-make of Final Fanatsy I & II.

09-26-2005, 06:18 PM
Oook, I wasn't going to close this since some discussion might arise, but this is getting retarded.

-Topic Clozed-