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View Full Version : AlexMax vs. Breaker - The Battle of the Century!

03-11-2002, 08:15 AM
SActually, all we played was Kirby's Dream Course over zBattle.net (I'll post the image when I have the chance)

I was yellow, by the way, but this happened to be Breaker's first game. He actually did really well, and it was a close game if you follow the scores round by round..

What is zBattle.net? Just something that allows two people (preferably with cable modems) to play SNES games over the net.

zBattle.net: www.zbattle.net
ZSNES: www.zsnes.com
SNES ROM's: www.findthemyourowndamnselves.com

Most Popular Online SNES Games: Contra 3, Street Fighter 2, DBZ - Hyper Dimension

(Oh and for people who don't take sarcasem very well, that last link is not real.)

03-11-2002, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by AlexMax
SNES ROM's: www.findthemyourowndamnselves.com

Most Popular Online SNES Games: Contra 3, Street Fighter 2, DBZ - Hyper Dimension

(Oh and for people who don't take sarcasem very well, that last link is not real.)

LOL!! Thats one of my favorite Rom sites too!! :kawaii:

03-11-2002, 01:12 PM
Sounds cool, but they don't have a Linux version yet :(

I tried multiplayer gaming through what ZSNES has already, and it worked ok. But, my friend on the other end had AOL, so it was really lagged. (he was the host) I bet it works really good with two people on broadband.

So...why do you need this program really? (unless of course you want to play against people you don't know) Otherwise, ZSNES can already do it!

03-11-2002, 01:22 PM
Wow, I didn't know that the on-line thing worked!
Well, I don't think I have any on-line roms though...

03-11-2002, 02:32 PM
Why does one need zBattle.net?

You don't.

But you don't really need programs like Gamespy 3D either. Hell, I used to play on a Quake sever (Shareware Compatable) at nye.net , and all i had to do was connect to a TCP/IP game at (wow, I still remember the IP by heart after all these years), and I was set. Granted, I had to FIND the server on Gamespy (Then Qspy), but all programs like that are is a matchmaking service, allowing people to find servers.

Same principle with zBattle.net. All it does is matchmaking for players. You don't need it, but it makes finding servers a hell of a lot easier.

Note: It is also MUY IMPORANTO to forward port 7845 on your router or firewall, otherwise, you will not be able to connect. And if it doesn't connect one way, try it the other way. (I was able to connect to Breaker, but when Breaker attempted to connect to me it refused to start)