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Dark Nation
03-11-2002, 08:08 AM
Changes so far:

1. In response to Cloral's Suggestion (http://boards.armageddongames.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51567) in ZC Suggestions, I've renamed the 'all-purpose' flag to the 'lens marker' flag. I checked through the code and he was right; it serves absolutely no other purpose other than to mark things for the lens.

2. I tweaked the lens so that it now shows bombable walls in dungeons with a 'bombed wall' state instead of the white square it was showing before.

03-11-2002, 08:56 PM
Sounds good so far, any chance on getting slide blocks implemented like I mentioned earlier? (You push and it slides in that direction until it hits the edge of the screen or hits a solid object. It should go through enemies too, I guess..) That would rock if you added it, it could make even harder puzzles. :D

03-11-2002, 09:21 PM
I hate to keep suggesting stuff, but how about a combo that can be solid, but blocks can be moved onto it even with the solid block rule on? This would be good for making holes that you need to push blocks on to get past. Also, how about an option to stop blocks from being locked in place when the trigger is triggered? There could be another flag that does the same thing as flag 66, but it won't destroy the flags untill every flag is covered. That way you can't just push blocks onto a switch, then use the same block to trigger another switch, both switches need to have blocks on them to trigger. I guess it sounds complicated and I'm sure you read my block post.

Also, are the trigger enemies working?