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View Full Version : A few block suggestions(uses new blocks)

03-10-2002, 05:22 PM
First of all, if sliding blocks were implemented, we would need to alter the code for the block triggers. The purpose of sliding blocks would be that you would have to move them around by sliding them. If flag 66 makes the block immobile, then block puzzles that require some fancy block re-aranging stratigies would be useless. How about this: An option to determine just how the block triggers work. It could be a screen flag, or quest rule. What would happen would be that the game checks to see if there is a solid object over flag 66, it there is and all other flag 66's are covered, they all get destroyed and the trigger blocks activate. If not, then they stay the same and blocks can go through them and not be caught.

Second, is the block in transit a sprite? if so, how about more combos like the armos? Think, there is a frozen gel inside a block. You push it and it slides over, then it turns into a gel. Or, frozen bombs that defrost when kicked and hit against a wall. Then the bomb goes off and triggers a bomb secret. There could be a new bomb sprite(that can look like a block). This could turn the game into a real puzzle game with this.

As I said, ever play Gooftroop? It is the same principle there.