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View Full Version : 2-D Birds Can't Exist...

03-10-2002, 11:47 AM
Not to be scientific or anything, but two dimensional birds cant exist.

they just cant.

Well, so says this little 'theory' by one of my friends at any rate, so buckle up, your in for much hilarity :rolleyes:

Okay, first of all, we'll assume that this is a crappily drawn 2-D bird, okay?


Now, how can the bird eat? remember, it is 2-Dimensional, absolutely no depth, so we need to add a digestive trackt...there.


So you see, 2-D birds cant exist!

(dont ask me why he used birds instead of any other animal, i dont know, but I was LMAO when he finished explaining this, so I thought I might share it online (he's not computer-literate))

03-10-2002, 11:51 AM
if they lived in water and were two cells thick they would exist...

Glenn the Great
03-10-2002, 11:52 AM
Well, your friend didn't create that "theory." I've seen similar illustrations in other books. In fact, I have a book called "Hyperspace" which makes the same argument with a similar illustration (with an ostrich I believe) when talking about 2 dimensions.

03-10-2002, 11:58 AM
Well, I guess I could have expected as much, he didnt tell me where he got it from, so I didnt know. He just brought it up out of the blue, so I thought it was one of his kooky ideas (of which he has many).

This is how it was explained to me, (yes, with crappy visual aids) aids). I just thought it would be good for a few laughs.

If Joe (not bigjoe) had told me where it was from, I would have documented that, too.

03-10-2002, 02:32 PM
I'm glad to see the scientific community spent so much energy on the digestive track of a 2-d bird.. what?? what did you say? it cost the taxpayers 5 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!:eek: :eek:

03-10-2002, 05:12 PM
What's the point of this topic, nothing 2-d can live in real life. Besides, isn't 2-d not even possible? I mean, it would have to be so thin that it would be non-existant when looking at it from the side.

03-10-2002, 05:25 PM
it was just supposed to be good for a laugh, but everyone is taking it so damn seriously, oh well, tomorrow is another day...

:clark gable walks in, looks around, and leaves: