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View Full Version : Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 134

Dark Nation
03-09-2002, 09:56 AM
New in this version:

1. Fixed the bug where activating a trigger with a pushblock turned all infinite pushblocks on that screen (maybe everywhere on the DMap or possibly in the game, haven't checked yet) into push-once blocks.
2. Added the ability to have more than one trigger block so you have to activate all of them to activate a secret.
3. Fixed the default quests bug and put the real 3rd quest in the support archive.
4. Altered the pushblock code. Now, anything with a push flag will appear on top of layers 1 and 2. The reason is, Link is walking on layers 1 and 2, so he can't very well push something below those layers. If he could, then the block would slide along under those layers when it is moving. While this may be a desired effect at times, if you wanted to have some sort of animated combo on layer 1 attached to the push block, it wouldn't work. So, to simplify things, I made push blocks be above layers 1 and 2. This also hase the added side-effect of allowing you to push a pushblock over different combos and it not change them all to the same thing (it is actually still doing this, but if you set up the real floor on layer 1, then the block won't be erasing it, just layer 0, which is covered up by layer 1).
5. The Windows versions of ZC and ZQuest can now run in a window (like in fatcatfan's post (http://boards.armageddongames.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51441)). To do this (I may make an in-program option later), you have to use a switch. Here are the options (these only apply to the Windows versions):

"-fullscreen": Makes the program run full-screen, using a directx hardware accelerated driver (default)
"-fullscreen -directx": Same as above
"-fullscreen -directx -soft": Makes the program run full-screen, using a directx software accelerated driver
"-fullscreen -directx -safe": Makes the program run full-screen, using the safe directx unaccelerated driver
"-windowed": Makes the program run in a window, using the directx driver
"-windowed -directx": Same as above
"-windowed -gdi": Makes the program run in a window, using a GDI driver. I think you can use this even if you don't have DirectX. It is very slow, though.

I would have included the updated quest default (what shows up when you start zquest), but I left it at work. Maybe Tuesday morning. :shrug:

Be warned: If you save a quest file with that has exactly 256 combos, you won't be able to open it again. This doesn't affect zgp exports and I don't think it effects combo exports or unencrypted quest file exports. Anyone wanna check this? I'm trying to track down the cause.

Anyway, here are the files:

Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 134 for DOS (http://www.armageddongames.com/darknation/beta/zc192b134/zc192b134d.exe)

Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 134 for Windows (http://www.armageddongames.com/darknation/beta/zc192b134/zc192b134w.exe)

If you missed them the last time around, here are the support archives:

Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 134+ Support Archive (http://www.armageddongames.com/darknation/beta/zc192b134/zc192b134s.exe)
+new enemy tiles.pdf

Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 126+ Windows Support Archive (http://www.armageddongames.com/darknation/beta/zc192b126/zc192b126ws.exe)

If you have already downloaded the Beta 126+ support archive, you only need the updated quest archive:

Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 126 to 134 Quest Update Archive (http://www.armageddongames.com/darknation/beta/zc192b134/zc192b134qu.exe)

03-09-2002, 10:14 AM
i see youve added a new support archive. im sure it would be wise for everyone to pick it up

Dark Nation
03-09-2002, 11:11 AM
Well if you mean the Beta 134+ support archive, it's just the Beta 126+ Support Archive with the 3 default quests from the Beta 126 to 134 Quest Update Archive.

If you are referring to the Beta 126 to 134 Quest Update Archive itself, it's just the 3 default quests saved in 1.92 Beta 134. Plus 3rd.qst is actually the third quest instead of a copy of the second quest.

03-09-2002, 11:18 AM
And take away the number you first thought of ;)


So finally ZC gets windows, for real, awesome stuff :thumbsup:

03-09-2002, 12:26 PM
It's enough for me that the third quest is now official. Glad to know it's now in. :)

And I'll check the default quests bug; you can count on that. :thumbsup:

Now to play with the new stuff...I'll leave Windows testing to those who have used that version, as I'm used to the DOS version. (Plus I shouldn't even be here right now, so I'm selectively downloading.)

[email protected]

03-09-2002, 02:42 PM
Cyclone, you posted your email twice. :tongue:

And the new stuff sounds great! I'm going to my friends again today, so I'll test the windows one there, and when I get back I'll test the DOS one here.

03-09-2002, 03:01 PM
My swords still shoot whether they're supposed to or not. I even set the % heart requirement up to 150% but they still shot, even when I had less than all my hearts.

I also set the beam power to 0, which was rather entertaining.

03-09-2002, 03:20 PM
The new Windows version is great, but it's too small to work with and I don't see any way to enlarge it...help, anyone?

03-09-2002, 08:49 PM
I doubt resizing is an option yet. That would require considerably more changes than did just windowing. once you resize, the ZC graphics have to be stretched to the new window size. perhaps (and I wouldn't even want to do this myself) you could temporarily change your desktop resolution to something smaller so ZC will be bigger.

Thanks, DN, for adding windowing. I look forward to working with this beta. New item #4 was a clever way to give quest designers what they wanted.

Still no way to resize zquest that I can see, but zelda-w.exe in a window can be resized with the -res command line switch or by modifying ag.cfg. Make sure to use the "big" option ("sbig = 1" in ag.cfg)

for example:
zelda-w.exe -res 640 480 big

or in the [zeldadx] section of ag.cfg:
resx = 512
resy = 448
sbig = 1

03-09-2002, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by KJAZZ
Cyclone, you posted your email twice. :tongue:

Wha...? Look at the post again; do you see it there, still?

:laughing: Stupid moment. I edited it.

[email protected]

03-11-2002, 10:41 AM
I was wondering about the quick keys in zelda. I've tried using them, but for some reason they don't work at all. they only work if you press escape and select them from the list. Also about the menu, It has a tendensy to sudenly change the menu that I clicked on. For example, say I clicked on the very end menu and it came down, suddenly, the last one closes and the first one comes down. It's kind of anoying.

03-11-2002, 07:20 PM
It looks like we are somewhat on our way now. Now all we need is the cosmetic fix that was mentioned in an earlier topic.

There are still a couple of things I would like to see though.

1. I know FatCatFan mentioned in his post that it would be hard to have a resizable window but is there a way you could set default sizes..like the menu bar for resolutions in Nesticle.

2. The Windows port can use a cosmetics change..something like the snapshot that most of you still have on your computers from the Master Hacker fiasco this past summer. I am beginning to think that might be too soon for 1.92 however and if someone makes a Windows version of ZQuest from VB or C+(+) that could be possible for Version 2.0 to undergo a complete overhaul.

03-11-2002, 07:37 PM
Well, if it has Windows, I strongly suggest 2.0... Usually big numbers like that are used for important releases... Thus why you never see Windows 98.5. :tongue: NEways...

As for this version: cool, cool... haven't run into any bugs as of yet (but I haven't really had any time, cuz I've been loaded with homework... and family meetings. ^_^)

03-11-2002, 11:50 PM
okay, this is kinda off-topic, but its what you've been discussing here and there in this forum. It's the kind of windows zquest I'd like to see. I don't expect DN to do these things... and that probably leaves me unless someone else gets ambitious

1. customizable, named, combo "palettes". I don't mean palette as in a collection of colors, but a collection of combos. Basically you assemble your own combo "page" from all available combos. Kinda like customizing toolbars in MS Office apps. You can create as many as you like, give them names, and have as many of them visible as you like. It would be nice for them to be able to dock, Winamp style, to the central screen-editing window.

2. multi-screen views. the main screen-editing window should be resizable in steps of two tile-widths (just to keep things even). allowing you to see and edit multiple screens at the same time.

3. zooming. 1x,2x,3x,4x,5x,... so you can see those tiles at the size you're used to.

4. a "brush editor". a window similar to a combo palette, where you can drag and drop combos to assemble the current brush.