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View Full Version : Hookshot problems

03-09-2002, 03:45 AM
This may be a stupid question but...
I am trying to make a big pit of lava which you need to have the hookshot to get across. But I have now found that you can cheat and just walk strait over it sacraficing some life.
So how can I make it so that the player cant walk over it but the hookshot head can get over to the over side.
Please help me!:cry:

03-09-2002, 04:01 AM
Try making the lava 'ladder only' and fully impassible.

03-09-2002, 05:20 AM
or use hookshot over if you want the lava only to be crossed by the hook!

03-09-2002, 05:53 AM
Actually, the hookshot only combos don't work right yet. As of now they act exactly the same as ladder over combos. So take your pick!

Immortal Warrior
03-09-2002, 06:12 AM
Or... make the lava so it does 4 hearts damage. If you put that in an earlyish level, no way the player is gonna survive a latge expanse of it :D

03-09-2002, 07:34 AM
Thank you all for helping me in my problem:laughing:
What I think I will do is put the ladder only combo in the middle of the lava and the damage combos on the out-side so that the player can't cross it without the hookshot and if the player touches it , they will be hurt too:evil:
Thanks again