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View Full Version : Cable Internet

War Lord
03-09-2002, 01:50 AM
Well, it was installed Wednesday, but there has been a problem in my area since then handing out IP's and such. So I've had no access whatsoever.

It's been up and down today, and in 5 more minutes, it's been back up for an hour. I'm hoping no more downtime, ut after I post this, I bet it goes down.

Bah, Hopefully it won't, and my cable will be good from here on out.

Over my network, with my router handing the connection to 4 machines, we all joined internet half-life games with 100-some pings, and sometimes less than 100....

03-09-2002, 02:07 AM
Let's hope you never have to go bakc to dialup. [shudder] It is easier not having to worry about downloading a huge several meg file and it taking an hour. Plus you can leave images on for websites with it still loading quickly.

03-09-2002, 11:09 AM
ours was a little hiccup-y the first two weeks or so that we got it installed. it was brand new to the area though and we were the first in our part of the neighborhood to get it as far as i know. we decided the trouble was most likely because they didn't have all of the lines in the area upgraded and were running some new lines, so it was disrupting things a bit for us. it was frustrating, since we were so excited to get it but we couldn't use it a lot at first. but it settled down pretty quickly and we really haven't had any other problems.

03-09-2002, 11:41 AM
I dont know why but mine ive had for 3 years now... (had few problems for the first 2 weeks) and hadent had a problem seince but now all fo the sudden im getting hicups agian...

War Lord
03-09-2002, 12:28 PM
That's about my situation ck...
My paticular area hasn't had it long at all. I know i'm the first one right in my node that has it as well. Seems to be working now though, hasn't gone down since I said that.
Now to call them and tell them not to send the cable person tuesday, he doesn't need to see my router.

I got a really good router/4-port switch for only $100.
They didn't have the linksys one I wanted, though they had an 8 port one for 179.99.

I went with a netgear 4 port though. It's really nice.