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View Full Version : K-Teclis' puzzle quest question

03-08-2002, 06:14 PM
I am in level 2. 1 room south and 1 room east of the far northeast corner ( one room south of the man that sells the cheat) there is a key in the corner of the room. after killing all the "bats" in the room there are a lot of tiles you can push. After moving all the way around the room and getting all the way down to the key that last tile will not push to give access to the key. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a trick I'm not able to figure out or is this a bug? If it's a bug is there a store where I can buy a key to replace this one I can't get to?
Thanx FZ

03-09-2002, 05:04 AM
That is a tough puzzle, but you have to push the tiles in the right order, so that you can get the key! You have to test a lot to figure out, that you're able to go on some lava tiles... They're walkable and don't hurt you!! Try a bit and you get it!!

03-12-2002, 04:29 PM
There are 7 tiles that move. That means there are 5040 possible combinations. If you think I have the time or patience to figure it out your nuts. There should be some sort of clue. So for now I'll forget all about your Puzzle Quest. To bad I was really enjoying the challenge until it got redicules.