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View Full Version : Guess what? I actually updated the QDB! *Hell freezes over*

03-08-2002, 03:11 AM
I should now be your best friend. I think I went through 12 files 2nite, including updates. One doesn't even exist, so I guess it can be trimmed to 11.

And the last of those from 2nite is The Fallen One, v1.2. Yes, DFW, another of your quests from the end of January is finally up in the QDB. Be proud. :)

Um...yeah. :shy:

Also, check the beta group at the QDB. Two new quests using build 104 for you guys to try out.

[email protected]

03-08-2002, 03:15 AM
very cool.:laughing:

03-08-2002, 03:37 AM
It's about damned time! lol
And FYI.. hell freezes over every winter. There is a small town in nortern Minnisota called Hell, every winter it freezes and they get loads of snow.

03-08-2002, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Menokh
And FYI.. hell freezes over every winter. There is a small town in nortern Minnisota called Hell, every winter it freezes and they get loads of snow.

:laughing: I never knew that. I guess the old addage is true; when something remarkable happens, Hell freezes over. Is it snowing there now? And does Satan live there? ;)

NEway, I hope to do more this evening. Until then, I patiently sit here, twiddling my thumbs. :) (Well, I actually work 2nite...but yeah.)

[email protected]

03-08-2002, 03:02 PM
Aw man Cyclone, it was so warm and toasty down here and now it's freezin'! :laughing:

Well now I'm sure about 11 people are happy their quests can be DL'ed.

I heard about the town called Hell a while back. At a board I used to go to, there was a topic, "Go to Hell!" :lmao:

03-08-2002, 05:13 PM
Thank you Cycylone for updating the data base. I must have been scanning it at the same time you were doing it because new files were magically appearing before my eyes.


03-08-2002, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Menokh
It's about damned time! lol
And FYI.. hell freezes over every winter. There is a small town in nortern Minnisota called Hell, every winter it freezes and they get loads of snow.

Hey, you live there too? How come I haven't seen you around b4?

Anyway, I am figuring I might submit RTDI one of these days. It's old, it's crappy (IMO anyway), but someone brought it up a few weeks ago, so I might as well. yall can see what the EARLY z3 tileset looked like :).

03-09-2002, 05:06 AM
Luckily someone does the job... Cyc, I could help you moving some files if you want to!!

03-09-2002, 01:22 PM
meh, I offered to help too Teclis, but he keeps turning me down. -_- I got the skills, the FTP client know how and I used to run two websites! o_O

03-09-2002, 03:53 PM
Hell only freezes over when something unexpected happens, like Square coming back to Nintendo. So it's just by luck that it froze over when you updated. Now then, if I was just motivated, I could work on my new quest...

03-09-2002, 11:22 PM
Actually, that post from K reminded me I still have to create his Bugbusters forum; K, PM me with your entire team (give QDB screenies if you can get them), and I'll set it up. (Yes, you know I got your PM; thing is, it will be a private forum from the get-go; I want to do everything in one session.)

I will have to consider the other half of this, offering to help. I mean, K will be getting access; the question now is whether he wants to do FTP.

{Edit} K, is this a private or public forum? If public, details aren't as important; that said, I can create one of each kind if needed. {/Edit}

And DFW, I never rejected you; I just haven't accepted you as of yet. I want to take care of my own mistake of letting things collect in the Quests folder. :)

[email protected]

03-09-2002, 11:51 PM
Dammit, Cyclone! Here I was, happily tormenting people, and now you have to make my home freeze over. On the plus side, I can make sno-cones. Sno-cones are good.

03-10-2002, 12:24 AM
DarkDragoonX, ladies and gentlemen. :)

I plan to update again. Maybe another few this evening.

[email protected]

03-10-2002, 01:19 AM
yes and since FoP won't be entered into the contest, there is no reason to delay it from being put up on AGN anymore.

03-10-2002, 01:30 AM
Thank you for updating the qdb. Oh and making my home freeze. Now I must attend to the snow on the sidewalk. ;)

Anyways. Now we have some new fun quest to play with.

Originally posted by DarkDragoonX
Dammit, Cyclone! Here I was, happily tormenting people, and now you have to make my home freeze over. On the plus side, I can make sno-cones. Sno-cones are good.

You can still torment people. Just use stuff there mouth with snow and make them burn up.

03-18-2002, 10:03 PM
Forgive my bluntness but there is only one new complete quest added to the database. (rcdark) Is this all there is to your update.
How long do we have to wait to get some more complete quest we can play?