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View Full Version : At long last...

03-08-2002, 01:20 AM
Well, I've finally had it. I've had enough of sitting on my ass and hoping that one day computer skills will come to me. As such, I have reinstalled Linux, configured it, and set up my server. It is now accessible at http://www.duckduck.org, although right now it will only produce an Apache Webserver test page. In the coming weeks I will rebuild my website from scratch. I will also attempt to set up MySQL and a vBulletin (or at least an Ikonboard), more for the experience than anything else. In the meantime I will be going back to the basics, making simple little programs which will gradually increase in complexity - I realize that I have had my sights set way too high, wanting to program games right from the start.

I dunno why I posted this, now that I think of it... you can congratulate me if you want, or offer suggestions pertaining to, say, simple programs I might write, or things to try now that I am running Linux. That would be much appreciated.

03-08-2002, 01:23 AM
Very nice, Skatche. I guess now I know who to ask if I ever have Linux/Apache questions...

And keep us posted how the programming practice goes. Wander over to the Programming forum from time to time if you have any questions in that area, or if you just want to show off. :D