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03-06-2002, 09:38 PM
Well, I spend about two or three hours over at a friends house, working on their computer.

List of stuff I did:

* Backed up important stuff over the network
* Formated the HD
* Reinstalled Win98
* Tried for an hour to get the network working.
* Played Frequency while waiting on stuff.

I still don't have the DSL up and running. But that is something that can be handled by my friend tomorrow afternoon, when Tech Support is up.

* feels good * ^_^

03-06-2002, 09:42 PM
I ate a bowl of cereal and played Zelda Classic.

* feels good * ^_^

The Thing
03-06-2002, 09:46 PM
I sat on my ass surfing websites. That sounds like a lot.

Does your friend know any thing bout computers?

Elemental Knight
03-06-2002, 09:50 PM
I helped several kids find their way to a better tomorrow through education (I'm a Teacher's Aide at my ol' Elementary School on Wednesdays). I also read some of A Tale of Two Cities, and I did some other stuff.

*feels good*

03-06-2002, 09:55 PM
i wasted my time and posted on this post
*searchs on ebay for a life on sale*

03-07-2002, 01:23 AM
i did timekeeping in the zone swimming carnival, it was boring :banghead:

03-07-2002, 02:51 AM
I completed my social studies for the week (finishing the schoolweek for all practical purposes), sat around, helped my sister's best friend move into my sister (the same sister)'s old house, at dinner, waited half of forever for my parents to go to bed, got on AGN, and posted.

*feels like she wasted the day*

03-07-2002, 03:14 AM
I ate chicken, did some work, and did stuff on the net. Oh, and I got a warning from Breaker today!

I had more here to test Breaker's limits, but I changed my mind. I've never really started trouble with people before, so I might as well not start now.

03-07-2002, 03:23 AM
week's math homework
lab write-up
formal lab report

...somebody kill me...

03-07-2002, 03:30 AM
-Went to sleep at 3 AM.
-Woke up at 2:30(damn overslept again, lol).
-Ate some food. Went on computer, wasted time on AGN and in Zelda Classic.
-Watched TV.
-Went on computer.
-Watched news while wasting my time yelling at Linux(well X-Windows in partitcular, it hates my new video card).
-Went back into Zelda Classic.
-Ate dinner.
-Watched A.I., and found it very odd.
-Watched news-went back here and into ZQuest.
-Here again.
Wow I have no life!

Earth To Austin
03-07-2002, 04:08 AM


03-07-2002, 04:16 AM
Well, i did cack all.
^_^ feels good!!!!!

Earth To Austin
03-07-2002, 04:16 AM
cack all?
again, these damn pommie bastards confusing me with their weird ass words ;D

(btw, i'm joking:kawaii: )

03-07-2002, 05:30 AM
Originally posted by richeva
Well, i did cack all.
^_^ feels good!!!!! I hope you misspelled crack...

03-07-2002, 05:32 AM
Well, let's see... since we're playing "what we got done today"...

I'll just post a link to my typical day (http://philip.greenspun.com/humor/graduate-student-emotion-check-list). Enjoy!

03-07-2002, 12:02 PM

Logged on here. Worked. Made some money. Spent the money.
Logged on here. Worked. Made some money. Spent the money.
Logged on here. Worked. Made some money. Spent the money.
Logged on here. Worked. Made some money. Spent the money.
Logged on here. :odd:

I get the feeling I'm being followed.
Hope I never meet myself at the door.

03-07-2002, 12:42 PM
Got up at 5 am
arrived at school at 7 am
spent the day yeling my head off practicing for public speaking competition on Saturday
Tried to memorize a 2 page speech
had lunch
got on AGN
will go home at 5 today
soccer till 7:30

repeat tomorow

*feels sleepy but otherwise good*

Scarlet Dragon
03-07-2002, 01:39 PM
:cry: what I did today has been to spend it on the computer making up future history, poly-sci, geography and economics assignments and tests. And than I got on the NET while the getting was good, because with the infamous mrz84 and dragonomega as sons I don't much time on the keyboard.:drool:

Jennifer, that is good that you got your Social Studies done. I am a Social Studies teacher. And if you are like I was at your age I hated History. I didn't care for it too much until I lived some of it.
Well than I fell in love with it and my kids still don't understand WHY?

Oh well gotta JettScarlet Drago :goofy:

03-07-2002, 06:25 PM
1) woke up at 9, went back to sleep
2) woke up at 11
3) saw the TV and Computer were taken, went back to sleep
4) watched a movie
5) took a nap
6) got on computer
7) posted to this reply

worked so hard today i need a rest.....


1) go to sleep