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View Full Version : FruityLoops

03-03-2002, 05:21 PM
Does anyone play about with Fruityloops.In case you don't know it's a music making package and quite possibly one of the best there is and many people have become famous because of it.
I was wondering if anyone has and if they've made songs,become successful etc?

03-03-2002, 06:09 PM
I play with the demo, but I have no idea what I'm doing. The only reason I don't delete the program is because I love the demo tracks. Are there any good tutorials for someone who has NO experience with music at all?

03-03-2002, 08:00 PM
I use FruityLoops on a daily basis. It's actually simple to use, you just have to know what to do. Some creativity helps, too. First, think about what sound or beat you want to have. That is key. You can't just expect to make a killer trance track with a basic beat and maybe a couple moog or 3xOsc channels. Second, you have to learn how to use the program to its full extent. When you first start out, you have maybe 4 or 5 channels in which you place a sound over the length of one bar. The different patterns makeup a playlist, and using the playlist allows you to place the different patterns in the order that you want to create a track. I know it sounds kind of overwhelming but once you get it, you get it. Here are some steps to follow that might help:

1. Download and read the manual that you can get at www.fruityloops.com It will help you a hell of a lot more than I can.

2. Learn from the demos. Observe how the different patterns come together to make the sound.

3. Play with the different effects you can do to the samples. Tweak the filter cuts, envelopes, LFO, and so forth to see what each will do to the sound.

4. USE THE PIANO ROLL! The piano roll is your friend. It doesn't limit you to the alloted 16 slots of a pattern.

5. Be creative. Without creativity, you can't make music.

There's my 2 cents on the wonderful program that is FruityLoops.

03-04-2002, 10:26 AM
Well said Zodak!The only thing that bothers me just now is having to learn what chords are and how to make melodies out of them.But as they say,nothing good comes easy.;)

03-04-2002, 10:50 AM
Nah, I use E-jay, but I have the demo. I will send my mixes to those who want it...
Fuity loop does sound good though..

03-10-2002, 05:49 PM
I've got mtv music generator ($10 at shopko!) except it is nowhere near as flexible as fruityloops, although its a hell of a lot easier to pick up and mess with.