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View Full Version : New Fall uh de Honkey Pig screenshots...

03-01-2002, 05:20 PM
It's been a while since I posted anything about FHP... Yes I AM stilll working on it. I kinda got bored with it. But something sparked my interest again. :confused:

Anyway, I just finished Level 6. I hope to have the quest out by April.

And here are some new shots. These are all dungeon shots. I've already shown tons of shots of the overworld, but if you haven't seen, go to my ZC page. http://zc.uhhsam.com/index.shtml

http://r86zc.netfirms.com/FHP/newshot1.gif http://r86zc.netfirms.com/FHP/newshot2.gif

http://r86zc.netfirms.com/FHP/newshot3.gif http://r86zc.netfirms.com/FHP/newshot4.gif

03-01-2002, 10:35 PM
I'd like to say this right here and right now: FINISH IT UP!!!!! I WANT TO PLAY!!!!
I've been wanting to play quality quests besides Prince's! (no offense to other makers, but most of the quests in the ADB are really subpar to okay quality. Nothig I'd like to keep and burn to a CD and play years from now.

03-03-2002, 02:53 AM
DarkFlame, check out the demos released recently- Days of Eternity, Rise of Mushrooms, etc. They might not be done, but I assure you they're quality so far.

And if you are up for a challenge, try and complete the bug-ridden public beta of Dreams of Yesterday. If you do, you'll get to be part of my testing team (so far only two hardy souls have managed to do it) and you'll see some new ideas, and a shitload of fun tiles.

If you dont mind graphic quality, and from what you've said before I dont think you do, try some of the old QDB Classic Style quests. Link To Another Dimension is pretty good, and A-Dawg's Offical Third Quest is also a winner. There's plenty of awesome stuff out there if you're willing to look.


03-03-2002, 10:41 AM
I am glad that you are going to finish FHP! I loved the "taste" you gave us a while back.

Some of us could really use some humor around here.:D

03-03-2002, 12:19 PM
How did you come up with that title? "Fall uh de Honkey Pig", it sounds like a major wacko quest. Could be good. :D

03-03-2002, 12:42 PM
As long as he includes some custom animated tiles of link smacking Zelda's face with his... magic sword.... and covering her with his.... water of life.... then I'll be happy.


03-03-2002, 01:24 PM
sick, C-dawg, just sick! :whap:

And I'll wait until the final version comes out of DoY before playing it. I'd rather not suffer through bugs. :P

03-03-2002, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by Arcayn
How did you come up with that title? "Fall uh de Honkey Pig", it sounds like a major wacko quest. Could be good. :D

It's Jive. Jive is kinda racial, but very funny. This quest isn't meant to be racial, just funny.

You can try the convertor I use to convert my strings from English to Jive if you want a sample. http://www.anvils.org/cgi-bin/babel

Here's an example for you:

"Buy something will ya?"


"Buy sump'n gots'ta ya?"


C-Dawg: :sweat: Anyway, I couldn't do that even if I wanted to, this is a 1.90 quest. I'll probably make a 1.92 version sometime too.

03-03-2002, 06:05 PM
1.90!! YES! I LOVE YOU
Finish it up, I will be your first beta tester! ME WANT! :D

Immortal Warrior
03-03-2002, 06:16 PM
1.90!! YES! I LOVE YOU

pfft, what's the obsession with 1.90 quests?!
1.92 is so quite blatently soooo much better

03-03-2002, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by DarkFlameWolf

Finish it up, I will be your first beta tester! ME WANT! :D

KJazz is already a tester. :naughty: :blah:

But if you wanna be a beta tester, I'll let you be one. KJazz is about to get a new beta so you'll get it to. Talk to me on AIM. I know your SN, I'll IM you if I see you.

03-04-2002, 02:04 AM
yay, and 1.90?
let's see........stable, no enemy animation screw ups, stable, more new features which take a while to get used to and master, stable, and its more compatible with most computers and setups and oh, did I mention stable?

03-04-2002, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by DarkFlameWolf
yay, and 1.90?

let's see........stable, no enemy animation screw ups, stable, more new features which take a while to get used to and master, stable, and its more compatible with most computers and setups and oh, did I mention stable?

I wouldn't call 1.92 unstable, it's just got a lot of bugs. I've never seen it crash on me. :) There are some 1.92 features that would be useful in this quest, but there's too many annoying bugs, so I'll just do it with 1.90.

03-08-2002, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by Raichu86
KJazz is already a tester. :naughty: :blah:

IT'S KJAZZ! Not KJazz, kjazz, or Kjazz! KJAZZ! Not that hard, people!

Sorry for that, had to do it. I'll test the beta out soon, Raichu..

03-08-2002, 02:03 AM
the layers function alone in 1.92 makes me want to sell my soul if i didnt have it. it presents a quest maker with soooo many possibilities.


03-08-2002, 02:04 AM
as will I. ;) When I get back to school this Sunday, I'm going straight to your demo and ripping it to shreds finding tons of bugs for you. :D

03-08-2002, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by DarkFlameWolf

as will I. ;) When I get back to school this Sunday, I'm going straight to your demo and ripping it to shreds finding tons of bugs for you. :D

Don't get your hopes up on finding very many bugs. :tongue:

(Note: I've found a couple of bugs since I sent you the beta, they're already fixed. :kawaii: )

03-08-2002, 12:13 PM
then I shall find more. :D Send me the latest version next time you see me. :)

03-09-2002, 05:09 AM
Wow!!! That quest really looks cool!!

03-09-2002, 01:23 PM
yes, it looks like Revenge 2! :D (sorry, just had to crack that joke) :laughing: