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  1. Thank You Exxon! (29 replies)
  2. Space Tourism (3 replies)
  3. Hillarycare (41 replies)
  4. Happy Birthday Anthony! (9 replies)
  5. Super Bowl Commercials (7 replies)
  6. Happy Birthday War Lord! (13 replies)
  7. Microsoft bids $44.6 billion to buy Yahoo (16 replies)
  8. QTrax is officialy online !!! (8 replies)
  9. A Modest Proposal (32 replies)
  10. a little secret about "google" (10 replies)
  11. Happy birthday Freedom :) (23 replies)
  12. Navy Tests High-Powered Electromagnetic Railgun (10 replies)
  13. Interboggle (6 replies)
  14. Mysterious Spider Crater Found on Mercury (6 replies)
  15. Governor's son sells 'Don't Drop the Soap' (14 replies)
  16. Is anyone familiar with CWRPGs? (2 replies)
  17. Sylvia Browne Predictions (8 replies)
  18. PLAY! A Video Game Symphony (6 replies)
  19. Well, we're fucked. (15 replies)
  20. How to take care of your baby (34 replies)
  21. Asteroid to Make Near Miss of Earth Next Week (5 replies)
  22. Angry Employee Deletes All of Company's Data (21 replies)
  23. Happy birthday Jen :) <hug> (8 replies)
  24. NASA Photo Shows Humanoid Figure on Mars (18 replies)
  25. Heath Ledger Found Dead (36 replies)
  26. fav coffee (14 replies)
  27. 3000 posts now (11 replies)
  28. Super Bowl XLII (42 replies)
  29. Rubik's Cube (15 replies)
  30. My ISP is actually doing something about piracy (22 replies)
  31. Ended Vista Began Ubuntu (34 replies)
  32. Bullshit! (15 replies)
  33. Devastating crash in Bathurst lost of 8 lives. (6 replies)
  34. Happy Birthday Prrkitty! (30 replies)
  35. Wanted: Someone to travel back in time with me. Safety not guaranteed. (7 replies)
  36. New rules on drivers licenses pit states against feds (1 replies)
  37. Software Support (2 replies)
  38. Knight Rider? (2 replies)
  39. 12 hospitalized after industrial accident... (5 replies)
  40. Help Me Out Here Guys (10 replies)
  41. Fun With Employment (7 replies)
  42. Seven years?! (13 replies)
  43. Firefighter in training (3 replies)
  44. Age Discrimination (9 replies)
  45. Help with metal work? (4 replies)
  46. Big avatars (4 replies)
  47. student loans (3 replies)
  48. Primaries? (25 replies)
  49. Greatest way to cut a pizza (28 replies)
  50. So I'm learning how to play the guitar... (0 replies)
  51. Lawyer: Ripping MP3s Illegal, Grounds for Lawsuit (22 replies)
  52. Satellite Maps? (1 replies)
  53. Holiday food (13 replies)
  54. Happy New Year everyone... (11 replies)
  55. We're back!!! (13 replies)
  56. Good news from the home front! (11 replies)
  57. Fun with Santa? (9 replies)
  58. How to Overclock your toothbrush. (1 replies)
  59. Merry Christmas everyone... (38 replies)
  60. Techno Viking (5 replies)
  61. A killer cold? Even the healthy may be vulnerable (15 replies)
  62. Happy birthday!!!!!!! (19 replies)
  63. Stupid live Christmas tree (22 replies)
  64. The ultimate addiction... (14 replies)
  65. Happy birthday vegeta1215 (2 replies)
  66. The Struggle to Keep a Juvenile Killer in Prison (26 replies)
  67. Is the window on the Left or the Right? (28 replies)
  68. my december (0 replies)
  69. It started snowing at noon.... (8 replies)
  70. Masterchief vs Michael Myers (20 replies)
  71. Happy birthday Darky darlin :) (11 replies)
  72. Hi everybody (10 replies)
  73. 867 5309 phone number (3 replies)
  74. Scientists Make Fruit Flies Gay, Then Straight Again (17 replies)
  75. er, can't enter open beta bugs >.> (3 replies)
  76. Try out a new 3D chat? (8 replies)
  77. $100 bounty (14 replies)
  78. WARNING; PureZC will infest your computer (61 replies)
  79. The best way to steal (5 replies)
  80. Fun With Telemarketers! (4 replies)
  81. Kill Hundreds of Trees, 35 Years in Prison (21 replies)
  82. 3000th Post (11 replies)
  83. What may happen in the following century, by the year 2001! (16 replies)
  84. Most messed up Flash evarrr! (12 replies)
  85. Transformers avatars vs. prominent AGN people (12 replies)
  86. Evel Knievel died today at age 69... 11/30/07 (13 replies)
  87. Santa promotes promiscuous behavior! (9 replies)
  88. Happy birthday mikeron :) (6 replies)
  89. Thanks to our Darky... (10 replies)
  90. My New Haircut (3 replies)
  91. Question! (1 replies)
  92. Voice Chat Server (1 replies)
  93. Happy Thanksgiving! (13 replies)
  94. Billions of jellyfish wipe out N. Irish salmon farm (14 replies)
  95. Wtf? Vista and Dell (25 replies)
  96. Happy birthday Radium :) (4 replies)
  97. Squirrel Obstacle Course! (3 replies)
  98. Bladen :) (22 replies)
  99. Happy birthday jman2050 & *b* (6 replies)
  100. Webhosting (4 replies)
  101. Lost man in Vancouver airport gets tasered, and dies. *video clip as well* (6 replies)
  102. Rape VICTIM sentenced to half a year in jail and 200 lashes (29 replies)
  103. A picture is worth a thousand words... (10 replies)
  104. Hello (13 replies)
  105. The Annual 'Let's Liven This Place Up' Writing Contest! (45 replies)
  106. *(&#$: The Game (26 replies)
  107. Happy birthday Ich! (11 replies)
  108. Tonight....I saved a life (7 replies)
  109. Ever wanted to see someone get goatsed? (10 replies)
  110. I didn't realize that Easter was being replace too (18 replies)
  111. What to call Elsewherians and why (4 replies)
  112. Cali Fires: Will a 10 year old boy be charged for the fire/s? (16 replies)
  113. Ventrilo :o (14 replies)
  114. 5 foods that should have a place in your diet (15 replies)
  115. Internet is too damn slow...(i'm in Iraq) (8 replies)
  116. I hate Dolphins (29 replies)
  117. Polish things for no reason (Daarkseid) (10 replies)
  118. Saudi Marriage 'Expert' Advises Men in 'Right Way' to Beat Their Wives (7 replies)
  119. *cries* (16 replies)
  120. *yawn* (7 replies)
  121. You can no longer say anything if you're on TV (41 replies)
  122. Comcast to employees: talking about blocking P2P can get you fired (3 replies)
  123. ghost ride your whip (8 replies)
  124. 0_o Apparently a pickle can be a weapon... (12 replies)
  125. yo (15 replies)
  126. A puzzle blog. (0 replies)
  127. Chess (2 replies)
  128. Help me ID this stupid sharp monitor. I don't know where to start. WARNING: Giant pix (10 replies)
  129. Does your house have ghosts? (32 replies)
  130. Drinking stories that put yours to shame (11 replies)
  131. Happy birthday to (11 replies)
  132. Something minor and off-topic that I just wanted to add (4 replies)
  133. Storm worm strikes back at security pros (2 replies)
  134. Hello from the firestorm (41 replies)
  135. Halo 3 Mountain Dew (26 replies)
  136. NASA Refuses to Disclose Air Safety Survey (0 replies)
  137. what happened here just before with the forums? (10 replies)
  138. I have stupid bad luck with shipping (7 replies)
  139. Stephen Colbert for President! (13 replies)
  140. Holiday Shopping Guide (9 replies)
  141. The Ethics of Erasing a Bad Memory (53 replies)
  142. Woman has to pee while on... (9 replies)
  143. wo (9 replies)
  144. Well, it's about time, I guess... (3 replies)
  145. Embattled Calif. Dentist Says Breast Rubs Necessary (10 replies)
  146. Your AGN Buddy List? (25 replies)
  147. Don't Feed the Trolls... (0 replies)
  148. Happy birthday Bel (hug) (19 replies)
  149. Forecast: Sex and Marriage With Robots by 2050 (25 replies)
  150. How much time... (26 replies)
  151. brekkar's new minion (25 replies)
  152. Viral Video Vault (4 replies)
  153. Prosecutor: Mom bought weapons for boy (24 replies)
  154. Beam me up: Just how close are we to teleportation? (15 replies)
  155. BUG: forum style resets if viewing the forums via www.zeldaclassic.com (14 replies)
  156. It's rocksfan's birthday! (17 replies)
  157. Crazy moments (33 replies)
  158. Back to Iraq (30 replies)
  159. Back from my vacation in Las Vegas (8 replies)
  160. $4.6 billion settlement in power plant air pollution case (10 replies)
  161. oooooook.... im gonna feel like a moron for doin this (20 replies)
  162. Close to finding my cousin (7 replies)
  163. Criminal Minds song... I need the name of the song. (2 replies)
  164. unforgivable (3 replies)
  165. Why this weekend blows. (6 replies)
  166. high score.... (25 replies)
  167. Happy B-Day Breaker (12 replies)
  168. iPod catches man's pants on fire... (23 replies)
  169. Purpose of human appendix believed found (22 replies)
  170. Happy b-day (0 replies)
  171. wow (22 replies)
  172. Weird things you probably didn't know... but do now. (18 replies)
  173. I bought a laptop: Good deal? (3 replies)
  174. Cologne (9 replies)
  175. Should the president speak at an iranian college? (1 replies)
  176. New tattoo. (23 replies)
  177. critical mass passed my window! (1 replies)
  178. Smooth Moves (0 replies)
  179. EDIT: problems... (5 replies)
  180. 50¢ sales tax on gasoline? (33 replies)
  181. The best police chase ever: Speeding, Ramming, Car Surfing, Gunshots, Mystery! (5 replies)
  182. Oh hay. (11 replies)
  183. what's wrong with the forums? (14 replies)
  184. There are no homosexuals in Iran... (16 replies)
  185. Germs sent to space come back meaner, scientist reports (7 replies)
  186. This fragrance is so worth the $40 (4 replies)
  187. dream jobs and where you are now (25 replies)
  188. Oh snap! (56k warning) (7 replies)
  189. Last post (35 replies)
  190. Right Now.... (45 replies)
  191. Goin' Stir-Crazy (2 replies)
  192. What's up with the Racetrack Playa? (9 replies)
  193. The ultimate lawsuit. (9 replies)
  194. www.shatteredearth.net is offline >.< (1 replies)
  195. Zelda Classic & Shattered Earth sites down? (2 replies)
  196. Police Brutality at Sen. Kerry Event (52 replies)
  197. Nail that job! 7 tips for traveling for an interview. (0 replies)
  198. Ulanoff: NBC-Apple Spat Means Digital Holy War (1 replies)
  199. Study: May-December Romances Good for Human Race (older men/younger women) (0 replies)
  200. I have email notification set for threads I'm subscribed in... (3 replies)
  201. Court Denies Goldman Family Rights to O.J. Simpson's Earnings (0 replies)
  202. U.S. Prosecutor Accused of Seeking Sex With Girl, 5 (6 replies)
  203. :-) turns 25 years old (4 replies)
  204. New Car (9 replies)
  205. Make Your Own News Story! (11 replies)
  206. Microsoft is dealt a severe blow by EU (0 replies)
  207. Baggy pants crackdown goes national (6 replies)
  208. Five disorders that make sleep scary (11 replies)
  209. Older women and younger men: Can it Work? (8 replies)
  210. POTENTIAL FORUM DOWNTIME -read me now, plz (17 replies)
  211. I got a Tattoo! (6 replies)
  212. Leave Britney Alone!!!! (19 replies)
  213. Check out this book! (2 replies)
  214. Hey guys! (25 replies)
  215. Debate of the Week. (20 replies)
  216. psychics (15 replies)
  217. Check out this Motel! (24 replies)
  218. A keyboard for the techno crowd (2 replies)
  219. Cats (19 replies)
  220. I just obained a real life Weal Medal (3 replies)
  221. FCC Throws Lifeline to Analog Cable-TV Customers (5 replies)
  222. Official Reference Kilogram Mysteriously Shrinks (19 replies)
  223. Google: Put a rover on the moon, win $30 million (6 replies)
  224. Grub, chow, mystery meat -- combat food 2.0 (11 replies)
  225. Five must-do's when a loved one is ill and you are the one doing the caring (0 replies)
  226. Police officer caught on video making threats and lying... (6 replies)
  227. Hey (20 replies)
  228. The Story of the Woman With No Authority (122 replies)
  229. Texas football fan nearly castrated (3 replies)
  230. Alex the African Grey brainiac has passed away (2 replies)
  231. Teen kills parents because he ... let them down. (9 replies)
  232. Commentary: Where is the outrage when humans are abused? (23 replies)
  233. The Beginning, Again? (10 replies)
  234. You crazy Commu....er, I mean Russians. (16 replies)
  235. The Dragon Omega Birthday Thread (3 replies)
  236. Scientists fear the day computers become smarter then humans (22 replies)
  237. Pennsylvania Man Claims to Burn Salt Water (12 replies)
  238. Author of "Wrinkle in Time" dies at the age of 88 (9 replies)
  239. Coach sent boy home in only his socks and underwear (10 replies)
  240. Happy Birthday me. (17 replies)
  241. Happy birthday Amber :) (7 replies)
  242. Your next vacation (6 replies)
  243. Captain Retardo W. Bullshit makes an ass of himself again (24 replies)
  244. Happy birthday Pokegamer! (7 replies)
  245. If Real Life had cheat codes... (51 replies)
  246. ADHD preschoolers helped by structure, consistency (18 replies)
  247. Southwest flight attendent tries to boot a Hooters waitress off flight (7 replies)
  248. Man mistakenly calls 911, instead of 411, and is arrested for running a meth lab (4 replies)
  249. Bin Laden to issue video as 9/11's 6th anniversary approaches (12 replies)
  250. Finally (2 replies)