- [Winter 08] The Legend of Zelda: Time Fracture
- [Winter 08] End of Time DX
- [Winter 08] Legend of Zelda: The Three Orbs + DX version
- [Winter 08] The Legend of Zelda - A Key to the Heavens
- [Winter 08] Link's Wild Goose Chase (unoffical title)
- [Winter 08] The Legend of Zelda: The Sacred Mission
- [Winter 08] Island of Dreams
- [Winter 08] Despair
- [Winter 08] Ancient Memories
- [Winter 08] Eternal Winter
- [Winter 08] End of Time Redux (unofficial EoT)
- [Winter 08] Death Mountain Trail+ BS
- quest is ready.
- [Winter 08] Zelda: The Great Flood
- [Winter 08] The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix by Migokalle
- [Winter 08] Shadows of Dawn 2.5
- [Winter 08] The Broken Minds trilogy
- [Winter 08] The Legends of Romia II: Mistress of the Wind
- [Summer 08] Tale of Hyrule
- [Summer 08] The Legend of Zelda Remix
- [Summer 08] Despair
- [Summer 08] The Legend of Grenoro
- [Summer 08] The Legend of Zelda: Lost- Tenative Title
- [Summer 08] The Legend of Zelda: The Lost Isles
- [Summer 08] The Legend of Zelda : Knights of the Glass
- [Summer 08] The Legend of Zelda: The Triforce Trials
- [Summer 09] A Link to Power
- [Winter 09] Seasoned Blood
- [Winter 09] The Legend of Zelda: The Great Flood
- [Winter 09] Peril of Rectangle Country
- [Winter 09] End of Time Deluxe (unofficial EoT)
- [Winter 09] Legends of the Hidden Temple
- [Winter 09] The Legend of Zelda Remix DX
- [Winter 09] The Legend of Zelda: The Korule Trilogy
- [Winter 10] Metroid Quest
- [Winter 10] End of Time DX
- [Winter 10] Zelda: Paclink
- [Winter 10] Oracle of Light
- [Winter 10] TLOZ: Dawn Of Courage