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  1. Categorized Bug List
  2. subscreen.qst made by dn
  3. OS X ZQuest crashes
  4. Block Boomerang bug
  5. Freeform attribute combos
  6. Heart Container Piece Counter
  7. Rupee icon bug
  8. 2.11b11 Subscreen Editor Duplication Bug
  9. ladder bug
  10. Major Subscreen Bug
  11. Selected Item Name
  12. Major Bug with Custom Subscreen causing quest to become invalid
  13. Item Positions in Subscreen
  14. Yet more copied Subscreen bugs:
  15. Combo Rotate Oddities.
  16. Subscreen Text
  17. [critical] alt-tab when entering a password to open a quest in zquest = crash
  18. Inherent Raft with Secret Flags
  19. Beta 12b: Fairy Flag bug
  20. Bombchu sometimes blinds the player. :p
  21. B12: Deleting a map used by a layer.
  22. screen tics timing
  23. Overlaying Subscreens? (12c)
  24. NES Dodongo ain't hungry half the time. :p
  25. Selector positioning goof on BS Enhanced subscreen
  26. Ladder doesn't work
  27. Chosing New Selected Item Name in subscreen editor causes ZQuest to Crash
  28. Gel 2 / Zol 2 fire trail
  29. Zol 2 - Gel 2 graphic glitch
  30. Subscreen editor bug in b12c
  31. center statue misses Link
  32. Subscreen Editor "New Subscreen" Bug
  33. [SUBSCR] map not showing (small map)
  34. Bomb Blast Bug Back
  35. [SUBSCR] Passive subsceen minimap does not follow when it's moved.
  36. [SUBSCR] Text Box Subscreen Editor Object
  37. 2.11 B12d Bow & Arrows
  38. Expanded Link Tile modifiers not using "hold up" tile.
  39. [OSX] Hey guys, the Mac Tile Paste Crash bug is still here
  40. [SUBSCR] Selector not working with <NEW> (Active)Subscreen type
  41. Slow Walk Combo?
  42. Tile Warps
  43. ZQ12.9 SFX editor: Intolerant of loading sounds!
  44. [SUBSCR] 12.9.1: Heart Container Pieces are not displayed properly
  45. O.O the SFX is messed up (not the one built in Zquest)
  46. Getting an item from a cave = crash
  47. Palette 8 Bug
  48. Spinning tile combo carries over into item cave
  49. [FATAL] Not Exactly Sure...
  50. Mean placed traps rule allows traps to pass through solid objects.
  51. Magic meter not shown
  52. Gleeok CSet, and HCP gauge.
  53. FATAL: Msg string hangs ZC
  54. Zquest Crashes (This is an occasional occurance)
  55. Enemies can walk on non-fully densed combos.
  56. Subscreen Text bug
  57. ZC exit instead restarts. (b14)
  58. [SUBSCR]My Triforces Still aren't all working
  59. [ZScript] "this" pointer doesn't work correctly in internal methods
  60. Map Display Bug
  61. Missing pixels...
  62. Room Sate Carry overs and [SSE]New selector not working correctly
  63. Zoras with Enter from Sides crashes ZC
  64. HCP's still not working!
  65. Invalid layers sometimes crash ZQuest
  66. Various Freeform Combo issues
  67. Combo Cycling got screwed up
  68. [ZScript] "ffc != ffc" doesn't work
  69. FFC sensitivity and Change in Behavior re: Full Screen Warp
  70. Shop Price Error
  71. Multiple FFCs per screen still screw up scripts
  72. FFCs only use CSET 1
  73. Room State Carryover -> Crashed Game
  74. Super Bombs Don't Show Up
  75. HCP's still(B14) don't show properly.
  76. Tiered Secrets incompatable with FFC Secrets
  77. Dodongo not affected when he is walking vertically.
  78. Reset Room doesn't undo permanent secrets
  79. [ZScript] five-digit constants don't work
  80. zelda: a link to the darkness 2 bug
  81. zelda: a link to the darkness 3 bug
  82. Resetting during bomb flash messes up title screen
  83. 4 head fire gleeok displaying 6
  84. moldorm-trap bug
  85. Palette Bug?
  86. Music Bug
  87. fairy-moving=crash
  88. [CRITICAL] Warps messing up!!
  89. Controller issue
  90. Block triggers don't work
  91. 2.11 beta 13 opening bug..
  92. Mass tile moving partially ineffective.
  93. Going onto the screen to the left.
  94. Din's fire sometimes not showing up
  95. Remember that annoying dropdown menu bug?
  96. Link's Tiles for Roc's Feather Jump hardcoded
  97. snortsia master quest xD
  98. no turbo hotkey... yet...
  99. More Roc's Feather Bugs!
  100. Z3 Animation is broken (beta 15)
  101. moving map doesn't upgrade dmap
  102. Import subscreen bug?
  103. Dmap Intro always appears when continuing
  104. Link uses the same tiles for float and swim.
  105. Pressing "B" button on edge of screen will cause stab motion
  106. Charging sword stab messed up...
  107. Keese don't appear in Sideview Areas
  108. importing a subscreen
  109. dark room & warp
  110. start screen
  111. Combo cycling still screwed up.
  112. Constant traps & fliers
  113. Beta 15 Door Combo Bug!
  114. octorok 4
  115. The new FFC alt change makes FFC invisbale
  116. Roc's Feather quits animating Link after falling a certain distance
  117. scrolling warp - palette problem
  118. Palette cycling bug
  119. Z-3 Animation Walking doesn't animate.
  120. Flag 66 doesn't work as an inherent flag
  121. Layers 3 and above not showing on transparent subscreens
  122. load sfx = crash
  123. Some sounds don't work in sfx
  124. Subscreen Bug
  125. Weird color bug
  126. Step->next combos not working on layers
  127. Wand flag does not work
  128. Door (Freeze) Bug
  129. Subscreen editor bug
  130. Whole triforce won't show up in subscreen.
  131. Big Shadow not displaying correctly.
  132. Old bug returns in beta 15
  133. Bomb door rubble
  134. spinning tile - door opens shutters
  135. Eyeball combos get Link's position wrong
  136. Game Icon doesn't work
  137. Inherent Armos->Item flags don't work.
  138. Bust (Next->Item) goes to the undercombo.
  139. Functions returning 0.xxxx floats instead of int
  140. Step -> Next messed up
  141. Getting fire boomerang crashes ZC
  142. SFX bug?
  143. Item class
  144. dark room
  145. Reflected Fireball
  146. [ZScript] FFC Arguments become munged when carried over
  147. Aquamentus bug.
  148. Zquest crashes in Tile Page 255
  149. Dive Warp
  150. Dive warp / Dark room
  151. Script Loading
  152. Has a ring leader + Shooters
  153. FFC's and changers
  154. Editing Strings causes Zquest Crash
  155. Dropdown menus in enemy editor crash ZQuest
  156. Sword beams don't work! (Beta 16)
  157. Magic shield still does not work.
  158. Counters constantly stay at infinate.
  159. Raft tile 3 rows too high.
  160. B button does not work
  161. Sword Charge Hammer Combo
  162. Odd walking and autospin
  163. dropdown menu in subscreen editor crashes zquest
  164. 2 bugs
  165. "A button fast message" advances messages at the wrong time
  166. Candle Flame
  167. Sword Doesn't Work
  168. Clocks make Link continue Blinking after it is done
  169. Can't go diagonal (south-west direction) when using Charge.
  170. String Editor and Colors
  171. Picking up Armos Items
  172. Okay, it's become abundantly clear that Mac<->Windows sounds become messed up.
  173. Hurricane Spin + Jump == Psycho Spin Frenzy
  174. The Matrix looking thing
  175. this-> bug and workaround
  176. Bomb Bugs (b16)
  177. "Pay for Info" problems (b16)
  178. DrawCombo() and DrawTile() script commands don't work (b16)
  179. Stationary fairy
  180. Clocks dropping at a higher rate?
  181. Blue Canldle flame doesn't animate
  182. Item/Cellar Room not functioning properly
  183. Rupee Bug
  184. Super Quake not working proplerly
  185. Annoying beta 16 bug!
  186. No Charging Animation.
  187. Minor Jump inconsistency
  188. Bouncy Items.
  189. Screen->LoadNPC() bug
  190. The Counter Bug
  191. Bomb flash Bug
  192. Enemy Editor: Boss Firing Patterns
  193. Overworld Map not updating
  194. Direct warps warp to return point.
  195. Hitting Enemies While Charging...
  196. Saving bug?
  197. Undo bug
  198. compass crashes the player
  199. walking not right
  200. Problem with Octorok (L3, Fast)
  201. Cross Beam Bug
  202. crash crash crash crash....
  203. crashes during saving of 1.90 quest. (zquest) BETA 16C
  204. zelda-w.exe crashes on exit (BETA 16C)
  205. "Hold Up Item" SFX doesn't play (16c)
  206. 16c: Fatal hang when depleting bombs
  207. 16c: (And B254) Underwater Dmap Flag + F3:Pause.
  208. 16c: Push Blocks can be pushed through solid combos!!
  209. Slow walk diagonal direction
  210. Build 116: Psycho Spin Still Possible (Sideview Gravity+Hover Boots)
  211. SFX inconsistency.
  212. Arrows don't work.
  213. Combo Cycling messed up (Beta 16c)
  214. Build 118 - Tileset Reset
  215. "Shop Price Error" bug still exists...
  216. preview - secret - crash
  217. Statues
  218. selector positions
  219. String editor
  220. 119 Undo not working
  221. Importing Maps
  222. Raft still a little too high.
  223. Warping with cheats enabled crashes ZC
  224. Holding up item tile not working
  225. Dondongo still not damagable from right spot when walking vertically.
  226. Room State Carry overs still not working right
  227. Beta 16c- Copying a screen makes it "attached" to the pasted screen!
  228. Zscript Bug????
  229. Possible compiler bug?
  230. Eyeball combos don't work with ffc's
  231. [SUBSCR] infinite box for counters picking random items
  232. [SUBSCR] Charge rings don't show up.
  233. Octorok L3 Bug (b119)
  234. [SUBSCR]Sword, Feather, Cane of Byrna skipped (editor)
  235. Title screen copyright date
  236. NES Inconsistency! Blue leever appearance times
  237. Editing subscreen crashes ZQuest (142)
  238. Error when saving files
  239. The Midi Bug is Back
  240. 1.90 issues remain and here is a additional one. (2.5 b142)
  241. String controls not functional for ending text
  242. Strange bug when creating new maps (142)
  243. Ladder Bug (142)
  244. The Effing Bow and arrows is broken in 16c!
  245. ZQuest for Linux - Scaling issue
  246. 1.90 overworld map bug has returned
  247. Rock + Shield bug
  248. Error
  249. 2.5 bugs
  250. "SFX:" in string editor is higher than "Y Pos:"