View Full Version : Quarantined Bugs

  1. Individual Bug List
  2. [901] Palette Editor
  3. [946] Raft bugs.
  4. [Romview] -Scale Command Broken
  5. [1105] Button control dialog issue
  6. Script Compiling Error With If Statements [1099][1108]
  7. Possible Out of Bounds Bug with Game->GetData [1108]
  8. [1110] Fire-shooting statues only shoot horizontally or vertically
  9. [1100] Eat enemies that split on death don't let go of Link.
  10. [1111] Room item pic is off
  11. [1111] Walking Enemies in ancient quests are not upgraded properly
  12. [<= 1112] Boomerang sprite is wrong in new quests
  13. [NES Inconsistency] Missing Flag
  14. [1121][ZC] Locked Block problems...
  15. [1109] Bad
  16. Reading weapon->Step doesn't work as expected
  17. map display in dmaps
  18. combo flags
  19. deleting a combo
  20. Triforce warp & intro strings
  21. mouse pointer erases combo info
  22. view flags bug
  23. [1121] Upgraded bubbles/traps don't have "Doesn't Count as Beatable Enemy" set
  24. 1129: Automatic relational setup thingy (D key) doesn't make all the tiles
  25. copy/paste across quest files can crash zquest
  26. strange behaviors
  27. shifting items in player
  28. [proposed qst] - Armos graphics are wrong.
  29. loaded mp3's and crashes
  30. [1151 & 1154] Collecting Items messes with Single Items
  31. bad 8 bit color bug
  32. [Critical] Patra with Pattern Odd of 0 crashes!
  33. Incorrect Screen->D[] values when script run at screen init after warp
  34. [Build ??? to 1170] Ladder Operates even when you don't have it.
  35. [1170] Heart container bug using 2.10 quest
  36. [1170] Ghini 2 bug in 2.10 quest
  37. [1170]Warp Ring Warp Editor Dialog is blank
  38. [1170]Roc Feather, Armos and Graves in mid air
  39. shooting statues and secrets
  40. Windows 2.5 b1182 MIDI window Bug
  41. Game->SetScreenState() doesn't always work
  42. Random amount of tiles convert w/ 8-bit color
  43. [1190] Window Popup Graphical Glitch in Windowed Mode
  44. like likes
  45. A critical bug with walking enemies and projectile shooters with summon shot type
  46. secret combo crash
  47. 1200: Can't configure gamepad. [player]
  48. critical NES locked doors bug
  49. 1200: Zap warp from a lit room to a dark room and all layers will be black.
  50. Arrange menu does not work in Subscreen Editor [2.5 Build 1200]
  51. 1200: hookshot can't be used sidwards against a barrier...
  52. 1200: Can't use a ladder over half-walkable and half water tile.
  53. [1201] import directory on Mac
  54. [1204] String switch code "Goto if Screen Variable"
  55. [1204] More string anomalies
  56. Minor audiovisual issue with enemies that split on death.
  57. Hover Boots (Hover Duration)
  58. do_primitives bug.
  59. armos broken 1232
  60. 1256: Zquest hangs when I open it.
  61. 1256 configuring gamepad: joypad button 1 and 2 must press twice to be recognized.
  62. 1256: Zelda-w.exe audio craps out. Fraps can't record the program for some reason.
  63. Difficult to set key buttons for EX's
  64. Deleting Maps
  65. [1256] Super Bomb not destroying super bomb flags
  66. 2.10 reflecting fireballs injures Darknuts.
  67. [1232] Messages freeze all action isnt working correctly.
  68. Zquest crashes...
  69. [1256]Delete Map function not working?
  70. 1266: Tile warps with Combos Carry Over checked cause ZC to crash
  71. [1266] Freeze action in messages is bugged still
  72. [1266] Rope 2 flash
  73. [1266] Boomerang stops when it hits item
  74. [1266] Hookshot south through solids!!!
  75. [1266] ZC crashes when window is unfocused for too long.
  76. [1267 (Mac OS X)] - Yes, I know it's Level 1 darnit!
  77. Crash while scrolling the combolist
  78. Reappearing items bug
  79. [1281] Integer division?
  80. 2.10 Ropes and Bubbles don't flicker not taking effect
  81. Link->Jump Broken? [1286]
  82. Triforce collection sound effect gets cut off
  83. Tribble holding item crashes game.
  84. [1296 Windows] Hookshot 1 goes all the way across the screen.
  85. [1313]Import Map feature broken!
  86. [1313] Ctrl+Alt+Shift Click on a screen causes a crash.
  87. [1313] Division of variables produces unexpected results
  88. FFCs break sometimes?
  89. [1317] TraceB() always prints "false"
  90. [1317] Bitwise NOT is wrong for variables and constants
  91. 1330 Whistle + Water bug
  92. [1330] Triforce Midi gets cut off by Warp.
  93. Tile warps randomly crashing ZC!
  94. Quest Start-up crash!
  95. drawing to the scrolling buffer
  96. Found two bugs in 1343
  97. Power 0 rings malfunctioning in newer quests!
  98. Ring Palette Property
  99. [Beta 18] Crash While Saving (ZQ)
  100. [beta 18] Fairy Flag
  101. Dodongo BS/Digdogger changes Overworld CSet
  102. [beta 18] Leaving the Screen when there is a Message
  103. [beta 18] Maps Bug
  104. [beta 18] Triggers when entering a room
  105. [beta 18] Enemies walk over half tiles
  106. [beta 18] Hookshot Over combos
  107. [Beta 18] Button Item Properties Bug
  108. [Beta 18] Bug with animation on Subscreen
  109. [1348] Enemies cannot walk on non-solid water
  110. Bug with Quest Rule "Link drowns in walkable water"
  111. [Beta 18] FFC Changers are disappearing
  112. [beta18]Palette Change Fail!
  113. Possible bug with deleting strings
  114. Inherent bomb flag + secret flag = ?
  115. [RC1] Candle causes loss of item on screen change when out of magic
  116. Items don't show up outside of dungeons (R1)
  117. [RC1]Another bug with the enemy editor
  118. [RC1]Animated items in the active subscreen
  119. [RC1] ZQuest Crash
  120. Wizzrobes ignore No Enemies flags
  121. Glitch in Big Map on Active Subscreen!
  122. Second Quest Map Inconsistency
  123. BS Patra Bug
  124. RC2 crashes in Leopard
  125. Enemy Boomerang bug.
  126. Super Bombs created by
  127. Push-block activates hammer-trigger
  128. Peahats are unstunable
  129. Gleeok Fire neck messed up.
  130. Patra Tile Bug
  131. Traps spawned by FFC Script
  132. [1401-RC2] View Map is broken
  133. Statues spawn double enemies
  134. Moldorm Directional Facing Bug
  135. Other Floating enemies
  136. [RC2] Minor interface bug
  137. [2.5 RC2] Enemy Editor sprite preview display bug
  138. Moldorms don't drop... anything?
  139. Ew_brang
  140. Movement problems with homing moldorms
  141. [2.5RC2.5]Glitch with picking up bomb ammunitions
  142. Ladder Bugs with 'Link Drowns In Walkable Water' Rule checked
  143. Sword Flag bug
  144. Activating Farore's Wind While Nayru's Love is Active
  145. Fire Boomerang Damage Bug
  146. Offset Collision Detection Rule (RC3)
  147. Grab recolor oddity
  148. 2.5 RC3: combination - Rocs feather and sword
  149. Bitmap Drawing Inconsistencies
  150. Bug with moving tiles used for items and weapons/misc sprites
  151. Can't get past the title screen
  152. Sword sprite stays in one spot when spin attack is used...
  153. New MIDI fix causes music to continue playing
  154. Aquamentus wanders off the screen when you change its frame rate
  155. Ladder quest-breaking bug
  156. Link Palette Change problem with rings that use magic or rupees
  157. Bug with segmented enemies