View Full Version : Beta Discussion
- ZC Beta reporting policy?
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 132
- More bugs, this time from beta 132.
- Msvcrt.dll
- "Leave your life of money"
- The new push flags & triggers (bugs)
- Beta 134 Progress...
- Envy me!
- Heya guys
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 134
- A few block suggestions(uses new blocks)
- Finalized Enemy Positions
- Beta 135 Progress
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 134 NewDefault Patch
- Possible Testers? (This thread primarily for Glenn, though opinions welcome.)
- Another push block bug
- Newdefault bugs
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 135
- zquest.txt file
- Zelda-Windows Keyboard Woes
- Some more newdefault bugs, plus another one. (Build 135)
- Vel needs in
- Death Knight of a Bug.
- Old debug key left in.
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 136
- Silver and Gold arrow flags dont work at all
- Hehehe, deadly crash bug
- Damn , more bugs
- It's this or a double post because I need comfermation
- Lots more bugs! These ones are yucky!
- The only logical thing for me to do...
- Been Grounded
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 138
- Bug Report for Beta 138
- Quite possibly the most extraordinarly profane bug in the existence of humanity.
- Pinpointed the Crashing bug!(138)
- Beta 139 Progress
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 139
- Release Windows ZC player half only?
- MapMaker 192b138+
- Bug thats been around for a while...
- Version History
- Trigger Enemies
- Strings
- Lens Bug in 139
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 140
- Test quest using trigger enemies.
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 141
- Suggestions
- MapMaker 192b141+
- More newdefault bugs! (Watches DN curse KJAZZ)
- Another bug in beta 139! Block pushing!
- Octorok animation seems to fast
- Bug...fixed?
- Windows Configuration?
- We need a seperate tutorial on doing layers
- Question, and if there is no answer, then it is a bug.
- Find any good bugs lately?
- print screen + windows screen saver/wall papering issues
- New BS enemies
- Init. Data
- 65K strings...
- Ack!
- Animated Combo move bug.
- Beta 147 Progress
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 147
- Annoying Stuff
- April Fools
- Layers Bug
- Bugs with the expanded strings (147)
- If I import a quest from 1.90...
- Strings get deleted when loading older quests
- Ganon Layer bug
- New layer format?
- Who is this Cave 2 and what is he doing in my ZQuest?
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 149
- Alignment arrows in map screens.
- Dark Nation: Enemy Troubles
- Wierd Ass Bug
- Beta 149 Bug Report
- Beta 150 Progress...
- No Subscreen Bug
- Enable the x button in the upper-right hand corner
- Wooden b-rand goes all the way across the screen
- Okay, seriously..
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 150
- Bug w/ Autoload
- Transparency Bugs
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 151
- Minimaps
- MiniMapMaker, etc.
- Message from bigjoe
- Disappearing Dodongos
- Hey all
- I'm Back Apparently
- Transparency
- Cyclone, For the good of the community...
- No biggie but...
- Translucency colors different in Zquest and ZC
- Infinite "Take anyone you want"
- Enemies
- Very Big Bug
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 152
- Another Small Bug
- Can anyone explain misc.?
- new bug in beta 152. No script!
- First, you finish this quest. Then, you play this one...
- Test: Ignore
- Midi incompatibility?
- For after this release
- Bugs in 152
- Sword beams bug
- GUYS don't have flames?
- Enemy Tile bugs.
- Layers are apparent when dying.
- Bug in Beta 153
- Suggestion for Palettes.
- A bug that's been around... forever... but should be fixed
- Is This Intentional?
- 152 Player
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 154
- DN, 1st quest revamp....
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 155
- Convey bug
- Big beta boo boo
- Maybe a bug...
- Flood in 155
- MapMaker 192b155+
- Digdogger and other enemies?
- A Trap Request?
- ZC Icons ATTN: Dark Nation
- Bug not getting fixed?
- armos->secret CSet bug
- beta 152 isn't working for me.
- Updated Newfirst
- Transparency suggestion
- Translucency pics?
- MapMaker 192b156+ (now with item support!)
- MapMaker 192b152
- Exporting qsu's, using auto-backup crashes zquest-w
- Somethin's-a fuckin up my layers.
- Screwed up intro. Again.
- Screwed up Aquamentus (left)
- Fairies have been downsized?
- Push blocks show up when you die
- Beta Breach: That or Glenn didn't post an anouncement
- DN, would this help us any?
- Is it possible?
- Beta 156 Sword Beam Problems
- Which features should we keep?
- Now, nobody yell at me...
- AI Project
- "Unable to load ZGP files"
- New beta location...
- Boss Dungeon Flag + F6 Continue bug!!!!!
- Does this work with NT/2000 yet?
- A bug I noticed...
- Another 152 Bug
- Yet Another 152 bug
- For those of you having problems with sound in betas
- A small bug with the extended strings
- Another two of those Really Old Bugs (tm)
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 156b Zelda 3 Audio Support Archive
- I posted this bug before but the post didnt catch a lot of attention
- What needs to be added/fixed?
- Um. Moving bug.
- More of a inconsistancy then a bug - but worth looking into
- Small bug w/ layers
- ZQuest Key
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 159
- Wierd Paint Shop Pro Bug
- Beta 152 mapmaker.
- confused...
- Zelda Classic Beta 160
- New Beta time
- Azc?
- Beta 159?!?
- Beta Testing Policy
- Unexplainable Zelda Classic crash (in Beta 163 and Beta 178)
- Minor Beta 178 Bug
- Beta 179 Progress
- Discrepancies that could be bugs
- What, I didn't need all those pictures!
- 179 - Space bar in quest selection screen
- 179 - The drifting head of the gleeok 2
- 179 - Vertical corners with lock blocks
- 179 - Aquamentus invisible
- Gimme more, more, more... No, not THERE!
- The truth of the matter is, you don't deserve these rupies.
- Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this, but...
- Eyeballs malfunction on layers
- Bug? (not accurate to the NES version)
- Cant Delete Door Combo Sets
- Question about combo cycling
- Bug with bombs? (179)
- Zoras and the Mirror Sheild (this is a funny bug)
- Introductory Combo Animation Theory, I
- Fantastic Corruption
- Freeform dungeon locked door bug (179)
- Hammer impact animation misplaced
- Intro bug, back from beta 163 is infecting 179
- Another 179 bug with the subscreen
- No Boss door on DMAP 0
- No warp and wave fx (179)
- You sly dog!
- Screenflags aren't changes
- Layers do not turn off via enemy-secret flag
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 180
- I thought this bug was gone, but alas, it has returned..
- Bugs, suggestions, and cool tricks
- Persistant Statues and Animation Timing
- Dangerous Bug!!!!!!!!!!!!
- What The?!!!!!!!111
- Boss Roar SFX Doesn't seem to work..
- The Z3 boomerang/hookshot again...
- Beta 180 Map-Switching Bug
- "Hey, let's mix two combos involving water!" *FREEZES*
- New Animations
- Do we have a representation for each new enemt for each tileset?
- Oops... more boomerang trouble
- Uh, Link? What are you doing under there?!
- Bugs?
- mapmaker b180 progress (big dimensions image)
- Another bug
- Transfer from 163 to 180+?
- Ganonator's Bugs
- How about pinning bugs until Dark Nation deals with them
- T Music
- Crash....
- Mapmaker b180+ - get it while it's hot!
- Crashing other programs
- Kind of a bug
- Where the hell did my undercombos go??
- Cuts
- Another layer "obstruction" and enemy spawning (180)
- Hello my fellow ZC followers :)
- Not sure if this is an actual bug, but... (180)
- Bug (I believe) that's been around at least since Beta 163
- Beta 180 Quest Corruption - 2 midis, 1 string
- Beta Bug Reports : Everyone please read
- Beta 180 - I-Warp w/ Wave FX Bug
- Three bugs: One bug that has been with 163 and another two this beta
- Under layers
- Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 181
- Attn: Dark Nation - Beta 182: Two debug keys left in:
- Original LoZ soundtrack
- Beta 182 - not a good one to put out
- Bugs that has been residing with ZC for a long time
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